
Plugin for Intellij

Primary LanguageKotlin

Last Action Note


Asking yourself, "What was I doing?" every time you open a project? I've got your back.

Last Action Note is a simple plugin. It allows you to leave notes for yourself when closing a project or IDE and reminds you when you return. With the plugin installed, when you close a project or IDE, it prompts you and asks you to leave a note. Additionally, LAN tracks files that were changed and keeps a total count of them, along with the names of the last 5. There is also a timestamp with your current time in your preferred local format. The data is stored in the root directory of every opened project in a ".lastactionnote" file.


If you have a lot of project and want to exclude or include some of them back navigate to Tools>Last Action Note

Support & Suggestions

If you encounter any issue just open a new issue here. Got ideas? Feel free to contact me.