Web server interface for PHP, inspired by Ruby’s Rack and Python’s WSGI. It provides a common API for connecting PHP frameworks and applications to webservers.
The main idea is, that your app, if built for this protocol, will be able to preload resources, preconnect to databases and response to requests really fast.
PHP 5.3+ is required, as it provides new garbage collector for cyclic references, which is critical for long-running apps.
You can get latest release using PEAR:
pear channel-discover pear.indeyets.pp.ru
pear install indeyets/AppServer
Take a look at example.
- MyApp.class.php — application class. "__invoke()" method is the entry point
- aip.yaml — defines that this application should be served both as HTTP and SCGI
run with "aip app path/to/aip.yaml" command
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