
This CSV file contains cleaned-up data from the Villo! API data.

The "name" column is almost as reported by the API: I removed the number prefix according to the regex ^\d+ *- *, and parentheses according to the regex *\([^)]*) *.

The fr_norm and nl_norm columns are a first clean-up of the name column. It simply consists of properly capitalized names with accents. When only a single name exists, it is put in the fr_norm column and the nl_norm column is empty.

The fr_shouldbe and nl_shouldbe columns are what I think should be the names of the stations, whenever that differs from the cleaned up value. In those columns, I fix misspellings and provide Dutch translations when there should be one.

The fr_note and nl_note specify why I provided values in fr_shouldbe or nl_shouldbe.

The note column contains some miscellaneous remarks.


This data is a derivative work of the Villo! real-time data API published by JCDecaux at under the "Licence Ouverte / Open Licence" version 1.0 from Etalab.

See for more information on the licensing terms.

The API data was obtained on November 02 2017.

GeoJSON files

The three GeoJSON files show my proposal for corrected name tags in OpenStreetMap. Each file shows the difference in one tag (name, name:fr or name:nl) from the old value (property tag_from) to the proposed new value (property tag_to), along with the OSM node identifier (property _osm_id), station number as reported by the Villo! API (property _number), and geographic position according to OSM.

To ease reviewing, the file for name tag changes omits corrections in formatting from French / Dutch to French - Dutch.

The data is also summarized in the file ([]. links


The GeoJSON files are derived from OpenStreetMap data (© OpenStreetMap Contributors) and from the JCDecaux API data (see notice for name_cleanup.csv). The OpenStreetMap source data is available under the Open Database License. See for more information.