A Turing School group project created with Rails.
We created an online application where visitors, registered users, merchants, and admins have a variety of interactions with our fictitious shop. Each user type has some degree of authentication and authorization on our site. A user must be registered before checking out, but a visitor can shop up to checkout without being registered. Merchants can fulfill orders according to their inventory. Admins have authorization to enable and disable a user, as well as upgrading or downgrading a user or merchant, along with other functionality.
- Advanced Rails routing (nested resources and namespacing)
- Advanced ActiveRecord for calculating statistics
- Average HTML/CSS layout and design for UX/UI
- Session management and use of POROs for shopping cart
- Authentication, Authorization, separation of user roles and permissions
You will need Rails v 5.1.
gem install rails -v 5.1
Clone down this repo!
git clone https://github.com/cebarks/littleshop
From your terminal, navigate into the little_shop directory:
cd little_shop
Make sure your gemfile is up to date:
bundle update
Establish a database:
rake db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
Start your server:
rails s
Open your browser (best functionality in Chrome).
Welcome to our dev environment!
Your location should be the root directory of the project (little_shop
From the command line run rspec
(This can take a moment)
is passing.
is failing.
We used rspec
, capybara
, and shoulda-matchers
for testing.
We also used FactoryBot
and Faker
This project was a huge exploration into the M(odel) V(iew) C(ontroller) software architecture pattern. We also worked with namespacing routes and authorization and authentication.
We worked with relational databases and queries with many to many relationships.
Our app is deployed on heroku at: Myxology
(and all it's magic)- Along with these gems:
...and more!
- Anten Skrabec
- Mary Goodhart
- Michael Clampett
With assistance from: * Mary Bork
Project Leads/Instructors:
- Ian Douglas
- Dione Wilson