
Towards Xcode (5) solarized palettes

MIT LicenseMIT


Towards Xcode (5) solarized palettes

This is a first pass at an implementation of Ethan Schoonover's well-known programming palette, Solarized (http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized), for the newest version of Xcode.

Install the theme file like so:

cp solarized-light.dvtcolortheme ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/

You will probably have to restart Xcode if it's running.

This theme file is released under an MIT license, and my hope is that others will help as much as possible, since it's far from complete.

As a side-note, I changed the font to Monaco 13 point to match my terminal settings. If you want to change this, please make a new theme file whose name indicates which font and size it's using.