CeC July 2024
Use TensorFlow Lite and the YAMNet sound model to characterize sounds deteced by microphones on remote cameras. It's not recording to keep anything, just taking 1s samples periodically and classifying the sound, ideally to be able to detect people sounds, traffic sounds, storms, etc. I was motivated by an interest in being able to detect that people are hanging out, or the lawn was being mowed, even if the action is outside of the camera's field of view. Detecting a tornado warning siren migth not be a bad thing either.
This add-on has only been tested on Amcrest cameras and moreover on an Intel Celeron (that does not support Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) instructions), so it's far from proven. It's not yet clear to me that this will be useful in the end but it is worth a try.
The code right now has very extensive logging as I am experimenting with things like sample frequency and thresholds. For each sound source, at each reporting interval, we send a MQTT message to HA of the form "Class (score), Class (score)..."
This addon assumes you are running a MQTT broker already. This code has (only) been tested with the open source Mosquitto broker from the Official add-ons repository.
Create a file, microphones.yaml with specifics regarding your MQTT broker address, MQTT username and password, and RTSP feeds. These will be the same feeds you use in Frigate (if you use Frigate), which may have embedded credentials (so treat this as a secrets file). If you want to report less frequently than every 60s you can change the stats_interval value in this file. This configuration file will look something like below. Put this file into /config.
sample_interval: 15 # Sampling frequency (seconds)
reporting_threshold: 0.4 # Reporting threshold for sound type scores
host: "x.x.x.x"
port: 1883
topic_prefix: "HA/sensor"
client_id: "yamcam"
user: "mymqttusernameforcamvol"
password: "mymqttpasswordforcamvol"
stats_interval: 30
- path: "rtsp://user:password@x.x.x.x:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1"
- path: "rtsp://user:password@x.x.x.x:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1"
You'll see there is a files subdirectory, where I put the tflite model for yamnet, which I downloaded from the TensorFlow hub.
You will also see yamnet_class_map.csv in this subdirectory. This maps the return codes from Yamnet to the human-readable names for those classes. There are a whopping 521 sound classes.