
Given a configured query which returns an array of fileUri's fetchThe associated Files to package them in a zip.



The files are stored according to the model mu-file-service The service is based on mu-javascript-template.

Query config.

Query is configured in a javascript file. It should comply to the following structure. (This is more an example then a spec. The picture is clear right?)

import { querySudo as query } from '@lblod/mu-auth-sudo';
import { uuid } from 'mu';

const fileQuery = async function( jobsParamsProvidedAsJsonPostBody ){
  //Get some files valid for your system. You can do any query.
  let result = await query(`
        SELECT ?file ?filename WHERE {
        //Make sure you have ?file and ?fileName
  return {files: result.results.bindings || [], packageName: `${new Date().toISOString()}_${uuid()}.zip`};

export default fileQuery;


create job

curl -d '{"whatever":"json", "data":"you need"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost/simple-file-package-jobs

This will create a job that will be picked up in an asynchronous way.

trigger packaging

If you want to trigger the packaging pipeline manually.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost/simple-file-package-pipeline

In your docker-compose.yml

Defaults of the options are provided.

    image: cecemel/simple-file-package-service:0.1.0
      TARGET_FOLDER: "/data/files" # [optional: if you need your packages to be stored elsewhere]
      DATA_FOLDER: "/data/files/" # [optional]
      PACKAGE_GRAPH: '' # [optional: graph were jobs are stored]
      HOURS_DELIVERING_TIMEOUT: '3' # [optional: when do you consider a job hanging?]
      PACKAGE_CRON_PATTERN: '*/10 * * * * *' # [optional]
    - database:database # [optional]
      - ./data/files:/data/files # [optional]
      - ./the/path/to/your/query-script.js:/app/file-query.js # [required]


An example query is provided: see file example-query.js


There is an error with seas. Select query gives. Can it be related with the fact the graph is not defined in SEAS?

database_1                                | Request: POST /sparql
database_1                                | ** (exit) an exception was raised:
database_1                                |     ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: nil
database_1                                |         (mu-authorization) lib/interpreter/cached_interpreter.ex:37: Interpreter.CachedInterpreter.parse_query_full/3
database_1                                |         (mu-authorization) lib/parser.ex:27: Parser.parse_query_full/3
database_1                                |         (mu-authorization) lib/sparql_server/sparql_server_router.ex:115: SparqlServer.Router.handle_query/3
database_1                                |         (mu-authorization) lib/sparql_server/sparql_server_router.ex:43: anonymous fn/1 in SparqlServer.Router.do_match/4
database_1                                |         (mu-authorization) lib/sparql_server/sparql_server_router.ex:1: SparqlServer.Router.plug_builder_call/2
database_1                                |         (plug) lib/plug/adapters/cowboy2/handler.ex:12: Plug.Adapters.Cowboy2.Handler.init/2
database_1                                |         (cowboy) /app/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_handler.erl:37: :cowboy_handler.execute/2
database_1                                |         (cowboy) /app/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl:274: :cowboy_stream_h.execute/3