
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Fractal: A General-Purpose Graph Pattern Mining System

Build Status

Current Version: SPARK-2.2.0

Fractal is a high performance and high productivity system for supporting distributed graph pattern mining (GPM) applications. Our current version is built on top of Spark 2.x.x. Fractal features include:

  • Interactive and intuitive API specifically designed for Graph Pattern Mining.
  • Scalable and efficient.

Fractal is open-source with the Apache 2.0 license. Fractal paper is available here.

Requirements for running

  • OpenJDK 8
  • Spark 2.x.x

Preparing your input

Fractal currently takes as input graphs with the following format:

# <num vertices> <num edges>
<vertex id> <vertex label> [<neighbour id1> <neighbour id2> ... <neighbour id n>]
<vertex id> <vertex label> [<neighbour id1> <neighbour id2> ... <neighbour id n>]

Vertex ids are expected to be sequential integers between 0 and (total number of vertices - 1).

Installing Fractal

  1. Download and configure Spark 2.x.x:
export JAVA_HOME=<openjdk-8-installation-folder>
cd <repositories-folder>
wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/spark/spark-2.2.0/spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
mv spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz spark
cd spark
export SPARK_HOME=`pwd` 
  1. Clone and build Fractal:
cd <repositories-folder>
git clone https://github.com/dccspeed/fractal.git
cd fractal
export FRACTAL_HOME=`pwd`
./gradlew assemble

Running built-in applications

Fractal includes the following built-in applications (GPM kernels):

  • Motifs Enumeration & Counting
  • Cliques Enumeration & Counting
  • Frequent Subgraph Mining (FSM)
  • Subgraph Querying

Please check out our Fractal paper for more details on those kernels. You can run those applications through the bin/fractal.sh script:

Description: Script launcher for Fractal built-in applications

info: FRACTAL_HOME is set to ...
info: SPARK_HOME is set to ...
error: app is unset

app=fsm|motifs|cliques|cliquesopt|gquerying|gqueryingnaive|kws [OPTION]... [ALGOPTION]... fractal.sh

   master_memory=512m|1g|2g|...            'Master memory'                      Default: 2g
   num_workers=1|2|3|...                   'Number of workers'                  Default: 1
   worker_cores=1|2|3|...                  'Number of cores per worker'         Default: 1
   worker_memory=512m|1g|2g|...            'Workers memory'                     Default: 2g
   input_format=al|el                      'al: adjacency list; el: edge list'  Default: al
   comm=scratch|graphred                   'Execution strategy'                 Default: scratch
   spark_master=local[1]|local[2]|yarn|... 'Spark master URL'                   Default: local[worker_cores]
   deploy_mode=server|client               'Spark deploy mode'                  Default: client
   log_level=info|warn|error               'Log vebosity'                       Default: info

If you specify app to this command you get parameters for specific applications, such as cliques:

Description: Script launcher for Fractal built-in application

info: FRACTAL_HOME is set to ...
info: SPARK_HOME is set to ...
info: app is set to 'cliques'
error: inputgraph is unset

app=fsm|motifs|cliques|cliquesopt|gquerying|gqueryingnaive|kws [OPTION]... [ALGOPTION]... fractal.sh

   master_memory=512m|1g|2g|...            'Master memory'                      Default: 2g
   num_workers=1|2|3|...                   'Number of workers'                  Default: 1
   worker_cores=1|2|3|...                  'Number of cores per worker'         Default: 1
   worker_memory=512m|1g|2g|...            'Workers memory'                     Default: 2g
   input_format=al|el                      'al: adjacency list; el: edge list'  Default: al
   comm=scratch|graphred                   'Execution strategy'                 Default: scratch
   spark_master=local[1]|local[2]|yarn|... 'Spark master URL'                   Default: local[worker_cores]
   deploy_mode=server|client               'Spark deploy mode'                  Default: client
   log_level=info|warn|error               'Log vebosity'                       Default: info 

ALGOPTION for 'cliques':
   inputgraph=<file-path>                  'Input graph file path'
   steps=1|2|...                           'Extension steps. If the target subgraph has size k, then steps=k-1'

For example, the following example submits the cliques kernel with k=2 extension steps (i.e., cliques with k+1=3 vertices) over the dataset citeseer-single-label.graph:

steps=2 inputgraph=$FRACTAL_HOME/data/citeseer-single-label.graph app=cliques ./bin/fractal.sh

Running custom applications

You can also implement your own application using Fractal API. We provide the subproject "fractal-apps" to make this process easier. All you need to do is to add your application class into fractal-apps/src/, re-compile the project with ./gradlew assemble, and run your code with the bin/fractal-custom-app.sh script:


For example, lets create a custom application that counts motifs with 3 vertices. We just have to add the file MyMotifsApp.scala into fractal-apps/src/main/scala/br/ufmg/cs/systems/fractal/apps/:

// file: fractal-apps/src/main/scala/br/ufmg/cs/systems/fractal/apps/MyMotifsApp.scala
package br.ufmg.cs.systems.fractal.apps

import br.ufmg.cs.systems.fractal._
import br.ufmg.cs.systems.fractal.pattern.Pattern
import br.ufmg.cs.systems.fractal.util.Logging
import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}

object MyFractalApp extends Logging {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // environment setup
    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("MotifsApp")
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    val fc = new FractalContext(sc)
    val graphPath = args(0) // input graph
    val fgraph = fc.textFile (graphPath)

    // motifs application
    val AGG_MOTIFS = "motifs"
    val motifs = fgraph.vfractoid.
      aggregate [Pattern,LongWritable] (
        (e,c,k) => { e.getPattern },
        (e,c,v) => { v.set(1); v },
        (v1,v2) => { v1.set(v1.get() + v2.get()); v1 }).

    val motifsMap = motifs.aggregationMap[Pattern,LongWritable](AGG_MOTIFS)
    for ((motif,count) <- motifsMap) {
      logInfo(s"motif=${motif} count=${count}")

    // environment cleaning

Next, we re-compile the project with ./gradlew assemble and run the application over the dataset data/citeseer.graph:

app_class=br.ufmg.cs.systems.fractal.apps.MyMotifsApp ./bin/fractal-custom-app.sh data/citeseer.graph

Obs. You can use the template in fractal-apps/src/main/scala/br/ufmg/cs/systems/fractal/apps/MyFractalApp.scala for a quick start.