
A port of my hlbsp project (rendering BSP v30 files from Halflife and it's mods (expecially CS 1.6)) to JS and WebGL (It's currently a project for school)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

=== hlbsp viewer ===

Last edited: January 11th 2010

= Author =
The author of this project is Bernhard Manfred Gruber,
a 20 year old student at the
Upper Austrian University of Applied Science in Hagenberg (Austria).
Feel free to send me a mail at: dixxi1@gmx.net

= About =
The hlbsp viewer is a client side html 5 application using JavaScript and
WebGL to render bsp files.

= Reasons =
This project mainly targets the need of a free implementation of the .bsp
(short for binary space partitioning) file format version 30 (used by the
well-known HalfLife/GoldSrc engine), which has already been done by my old
hlbsp project written in C/C++.
You can find it here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/hlbsp/
During the work on this "reimplementation" I could refactor and improve some
parts of the code as well as port the existing OpenGL implementation using
mostly OpenGL 1.1 features (glBegin etc.) to meet the WebGL standard (which
is basically OpenGL ES 2.0) by using advanced features like Buffer Objects.

The second aspect of this code is to show an examplary WebGL implementation
rendering something "more advanced" than cubes (as mostly used in WebGL
tutorials) or anything similar. Additionally, it shows how to deal with binary
data. Currently only in a very bleeding edge way (the working draft from
Khronos specifying the DataView class has been released some weeks ago), but it
should give developers an idea how to treat this issue.

Finally I had to do some sort of project over the christmas holidays for my 
eb Design course at university, so this topic came in handy.

= Usage =
When the page has been opened in a supported web browser, you should see a
black region in the middle. This is the <canvas> element used to rener the
scene. On the right there are several controls. The first one shows the
current frames per second (FPS) as well as some WebGL related stuff.
The second one is to select a bsp file from your local file system. You can
either select a file or drag&drop it right on the control. The bsp file should
be loaded, which might take some time (It takes my browser (Opera 12.00 alpha)
roughly half a minute to load a bigger bsp file as parsing the binary file into
an ArrayBuffer object currently takes very, very long.
After loading, the file is parsed (calculating texture/lightmap coordinates,
loading lightmaps, prepare the buffers etc.) before it is finally displayed.
You will usually only see the lightmaps, as most of the textures are stored
externally in so-called wad files. The wad files referenced by the bsp file
should be listed after the loading process. Please select them from your local
file system or drag&drop them on the control. You can also load wad files
before loading a bsp file and loaded wads will not be unloaded when changing
the loaded bsp file.
The last control on the right is the log window showing some information at
startup and also reports errors.

= Controls =
Mouse:      You can use the mouse for looking around in the scene by pressing
            the left mouse button and dragging the cursor inside the canvas.
W           Move forward
S           Move backward
A           Move sidewards left (strafe)
D           Move sidewards right (strafe)
Space/Shift Move up
Ctrl        Move down

T           Enable/Disable texture rendering
L           Enable/Disable lightmap rendering
P           Toggle wireframe mode
C           Toggle coordinate system

= Implementation =
The implementation covers the following aspects:
> Initializing a WebGL context.
> Reading a binary file.
> Reading all data structurs the bsp file contains.
> Computing the texture coordinates which are NOT stored in the bsp file.
> Loading textures direclty stored in the bsp file.
> Computing the lightmap coordinates and dimensions and fetch them from the raw
  lightmap data lump of the bsp file.
> Reading and decompressing the Potentially Visible Set
  (PVS or often called VIS).
> Parsing all the geometry into buffer objects for later rendering.
> Rendering the whole scene using the bsp tree for organisation and the PVS to
  reduce the polygon count.
> Reading textures from a wad archive.
> Using shaders to render colors, textures, mix texture colors and perfom alpha
> Providing an example of how to navigate through a 3D scene with keyboard and
> Collision detection.

= Known issues =
> Opera does not support drag&drop.
> When using Chrome, you have to start the browser with the
  command line flag in order to allow reading local files.
> Internet Explorer is NOT supported (does not support WebGL).
> As textures are loaded on the onload event of their images, they might not be
  visible yet the bsp file has finished parsing. Be patient, this may take
  several seconds for the onload threads (may be several thousands) to