This is an app for my personal website.
Portrait (or abstract picture) on right side of header, fade into bg color
Blog with button to e-mail approval link
** Approval goes out to editor ** Editor clicks a link to read, or a link to approve ** Post goes public
Interactive resume
** Taggable, sortable
Projects controller
** Code - ongoing coding projects *** Wosaic *** Open sport db stuff *** MLS app
** Design - web design projects *** LIVE URL
** Other *** Pictures
rails g scaffold Project type:string url:string picture:string description:string title:string
Some rails tasks handle backing up and restoring data – useful for migrations from development to production:
rake backup_sqlite3 DB=db/development.sqlite3 heroku config rake db:drop (heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL) rake db:migrate rake restore dump=db/seeds.sql
rails g scaffold Resume name:string title:string objective:text has_many :resume_items has_attachment (pdf version) ? Generate it?
rails g scaffold ResumeItem job_title:string start:date end:date description:text location:string has_many :tags rails g migration AddResumeItemIdToTag
rails g scaffold Post content:text title:text posted_on:date published:boolean user_id:int rails g scaffold Comment content:text author_url:text author:string post_id:int
TODO: Get facebook, google plus sharing TODO: Code syntax highlighting
rails g migration AddCaptionToImage post:
has_many :images
Blog syntax
** [img ID# (small/medium) (left/right)]
** [link ( | relative/path/1)]
rails g scaffold Gallery title:string description:text
has_many: gallery_items has_one: cover, :through => gallery_items, :where => {:cover => true}
rails g scaffold GalleryItem title:string description:text gallery_id:integer cover:boolean rails generate paperclip gallery_item image
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :icon => "64x64#", :tile1 => "128x128>", :tile2 => "320x240>" } validates_attachment_presence :image validates_attachment_size :image, :less_than => 5.megabytes validates_attachment_content_type :image, :content_type => ['image/jpeg', 'image/png']
Geometry Styles:
** has_attached_file :scan, :styles => { :text => { :quality => :better } }, :processors => [:ocr] ** **
Social media icons from