
File-checking made simple

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Documentation Status

File-checking made simple


Create a venv, then install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .


A brief description of how to use checksit is given here. For more detail, visit the documentation site.

checksit is comprised of four key components - check, describe, show-specs, and summary

checksit check

Check file against a template.

Basic Usage

checksit check /badc/ukcp18/data/land-cpm/uk/2.2km/rcp85/01/rss/day/latest/rss_rcp85_land-cpm_uk_2.2km_01_day_20671201-20681130.nc
  • Checks format of file.
  • checksit searches its template cache for a similar file to compare against

Main Features

Define template

checksit check --template=template-cache/rls_rcp85_land-cpm_uk_2.2km_01_day_19801201-19811130.cdl /badc/ukcp18/data/land-cpm/uk/2.2km/rcp85/01/rss/day/latest/rss_rcp85_land-cpm_uk_2.2km_01_day_20671201-20681130.nc
  • Use --template flag to define a template to use
  • Template can be in template-cache or any file user has access to
  • Note: cdl files are a representation of a netCDF file, being the output from ncdump -h on the netCDF file

Map variable names

checksit check -m cltAnom=cloud_area_fraction /gws/nopw/j04/cmip6_prep_vol1/ukcp18/data/land-prob/v20211110/uk/25km/rcp85/sample/b8110/30y/cltAnom/mon/v20211110/cltAnom_rcp85_land-prob_uk_25km_sample_b8110_30y_mon_20091201-20991130.nc
  • Allows mapping of variable name, for the case that the name of a variable is different between the file to be checked and the template
  • Format - -m <template variable name>=<file variable name>
  • Multiple mappings should be comma separated

Ignore attributes

checksit check --ignore-attrs=global_attributes:time_coverage_start,global_attributes:time_coverage_end,global_attributes:tracking_id /neodc/esacci/sea_ice/data/sea_ice_thickness/L3C/envisat/v2.0/SH/2012/ESACCI-SEAICE-L3C-SITHICK-RA2_ENVISAT-SH50KMEASE2-201202-fv2.0.nc
  • Define attributes to ignore in checking

Define additional rules for checking

checksit check --rules=global_attributes:id=rule-func:match-file-name:lowercase:no-extension /neodc/esacci/sea_ice/data/sea_ice_thickness/L3C/envisat/v2.0/SH/2012/ESACCI-SEAICE-L3C-SITHICK-RA2_ENVISAT-SH50KMEASE2-201202-fv2.0.nc
  • Check items against defined rules
  • Format - <what to check>=<rule type>:<function/check>[:<extras>[:<extras>...]]
  • Four options for <rule type>:
    • rule-func - check item against a defined function, 4 options:
      • match-file-name - item must be the same as the file name, allowing for formatting through <extras> - lowercase, uppercase, no_extension - example: global_attributes:id=rule-func:match-file-name:lowercase:no-extension
      • match-one-of - item must be the same as one of the <extras> given. Multiple options should be separated by a | and surrounded by double quotation marks - example: global_attributes:project=rule-func:match-one-of:"ukcp18|ukcp09"
      • match-one-or-more-of - item must be the same as one or more of the <extras> given. Multiple options should be separated by a | and surrounded by double quotation marks - example: global_attributes:contact=rule-func:match-one-or-more-of:"ukcpproject@metoffice.gov.uk|UKCP Team|MOHC"
      • string-of-length - item must be the same length as given <extra> or greater if + is given at end of <extra> - example: global_attributes:project=rule-func:string-of-length:10,global_attributes:contact=rule-func:string-of-length:100+
    • type-rule - check item is of type as defined in <extra> - example: transverse_mercator:false_northing=type-rule:integer
    • regex - check item for regular expression match - example: global_attributes:project=regex:ukcp18
    • regex-rule - check item matches pre-defined regex rule, name of which is given in <extra>
      • current options are integer,valid-email,valid-url,valid-url-or-na,match:vN.M,datetime,datetime-or-na,number

Additional Options


checksit check --specs=ceda-base /badc/ukcp18/data/land-cpm/uk/2.2km/rcp85/01/rss/day/latest/rss_rcp85_land-cpm_uk_2.2km_01_day_20671201-20681130.nc


checksit check --auto-cache --template=/badc/ukcp18/data/land-cpm/uk/2.2km/rcp85/08/rss/day/latest/rss_rcp85_land-cpm_uk_2.2km_08_day_20671201-20681130.nc /badc/ukcp18/data/land-cpm/uk/2.2km/rcp85/01/rss/day/latest/rss_rcp85_land-cpm_uk_2.2km_01_day_20671201-20681130.nc
  • Create a cache of the given template to add to add to checksit's template_cache


checksit check --verbose /group_workspaces/jasmin2/ukcp18/incoming-astephen/ukcordex-example/tasmax_rcp85_land-rcm_uk_12km_EC-EARTH_r12i1p1_HIRHAM5_day_19801201-19901130.nc
  • Print additional information

checksit describe

checksit describe
  • Prints docstring of rules that can be used in checksit check --rules
  • Individual rules can be printed out, e.g. checksit describe match-one-of

checksit show-specs

checksit show-specs <spec-id>
  • Prints out specs for a given spec-id, e.g. ceda-base
  • sped-ids are saved in checksit/specs/groups

checksit summary

  • Summarises output from a number of log files created through checksit check