
Azure Function to send notifications of content activity in a Telligent group to a Slack channel (can set up integrations between multiple groups/channels)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Notifications from Verint to Slack and/or Microsoft Teams when content is posted, processed in an Azure Function

This Azure Function sends notifications of content activity in Verint to Slack and/or Microsoft Teams when the following are posted: blog posts, videos, threads, replies, ideas, comments, etc.



Create an Azure Function

(Optional) In VS Code

Deploy the Azure Function from a repo to the cloud. The Azure Function package inside the Azure Function is redeployed.

  • Enable the Azure Functions extension.
  • Clone this repo to your machine.
  • Using the Azure Function extension icons, set up a project inside the local repo.
  • Add a new Azure Function locally.
  • Deploy the Azure Function to the Azure Portal from your local machine.
  • Go to the Azure Function in the Azure Portal.
  • Go to the Deployment Center and connect your repo.

Install npm packages in root of parent Azure Function

  • Navigate to the Azure Function home page > Platform features > Advanced tools (Kudu) > CMD prompt navigate to wwwroot (site root where package.json is).
  • Run npm install.

Create an Azure Logic App

  • Create an Azure Logic App in the same resource group as the Azure Function.
  • Add the When a HTTP request is received task.
  • In the Logic App, add an Azure Function item and select content.
  • Save. Copy the HTTP POST URL.
  • See also Azure Logic App schema.


Create a webhook in Verint

Go to Verint > Click the pencil at top left > Administration > Integrations > Webhooks > Add the URL copied from the Azure Logic App.

Add variables to content/index.js and ideas/index.js

Variable(s) to replace What to replace them with
ORGANIZATION Applicable portion of the Verint community's URL
TOKEN Verint API token
VERINTGROUPID Verint group ID(s)
AZURE LOGIC APP URL URL produced by following these instructions

If sending messages to Slack

Variable(s) to replace What to replace them with
SLACK INCOMING WEBHOOK URL of Slack incoming webhook, created in an app on Slack's website
theUsername Name of the bot
theIconEmoji Emoji of the bot
color HEX value of message's color in Slack
(ideas/index.js only) footer_icon Emoji displayed next to the idea category

If sending posts to Microsoft Teams

Variable(s) to replace What to replace them with
MICROSOFT CHANNEL ID Microsoft Team channel ID

Reference on how to get variables and tokens

Verint API token

  • Go to your Verint site avatar (top right) > Settings > API Keys (very bottom) > Manage application API keys > Generate new API key.
  • Base-64 encode apikey:user.name.

Verint Group ID(s)

Microsoft Team ID and Channel ID

  • In the Microsoft Teams desktop client, click ... next to the channel name > Get link to channel.
  • Copy and paste the link somewhere to inspect.
Variable Corresponding ID in the link Example
MICROSOFT CHANNEL ID Characters following channel 00:0x00x00000xx0x00xx00xx0x000x00000%00@thread.skype (note that the HTML in the URL is replaced by the actual characters)
MICROSOFT TEAM ID xx000x00-0xx0-0x0x-0000-x0xx0000000x

Ignore tenantId.

About this Azure Function

The parent Azure Function (your-function) contains two child Azure Functions:

  • content
  • ideas

Verint provides a Generic Content REST API webhook that sends generic content events to an endpoint. These events do not include ideas.1

Both child Azure Functions use the slackify-html npm package, modified for this Azure Function in Shared/slackify-html.js, to transform processed content into Slack posts in Slack syntax (Slack does not accept the HTML format returned in the content body field of the webhook payload) and, depending on the group or container they occurred in, send the posts to designated Slack and/or Microsoft Teams channels. (Microsoft Teams also accepts the content transformed for Slack.)23

content Azure Function

Azure Logic App trigger

The Azure Function provides an endpoint that can be used with the webhook.4 When a Verint generic-content HTTP post is received, the Azure Logic App triggers the content child Azure Function. See Azure Logic App for setup details.

Azure Function details

  • Type: http trigger
  • For selected events as determined in the webhooks section of the Verint Admininstration > Integrations > Webhooks panel
  • Selected events include both new content and updated media
  • Loops through events because multiples can be sent at once56
  • Treats general content events and comments differently because ContentId and ContentTypeId are returned with general content events whereas comments include only a CommentId:

General content

Note: Comment events are included in the webhook, but the JSON sent is in a different format than other content events (see examples below) and is handled uniquely in the code.

    "events": [
            "TypeId": "00x0000-xxxx-0x00-0xx0-x000000x0000",
            "DateOccurred": "2021-13-05T01:02:39.0760324Z",
            "EventData": {
                "ActorUserId": 1234,
                "ContentId": "00x0000-xxxx-0x00-0xx0-x000000x0000",
                "ContentTypeId": "00x0000-xxxx-0x00-0xx0-x000000x0000",
                "BlogPostId": 123,
                "BlogId": 12


    "events": [{
        "TypeId": "00x0000-xxxx-0x00-0xx0-x000000x0000",
        "DateOccurred": "00x0000-xxxx-0x00-0xx0-x000000x0000",
        "EventData": {
            "ActorUserId": 1234,
            "CommentId": "00x0000-xxxx-0x00-0xx0-x000000x0000"


Gotcha on wiki ContainerIds

ContainersIds are roughly equivalent to GroupIds. This is explained in the reference below. However, comments on wikis are not included in a group's ContainerId. For this reason, in the block of if (containerId == clauses (which split which webhook events are posted in which Slack channel(s)), a clause must be added for the ContainerId specific to the wiki.

ideas Azure Function

  • Type: Timer trigger
  • Executes every 10 minutes
  • Queries the REST API for ideas posted in the past 10 minutes
  • Aligns webhook and local timestamps using the moment and moment-timezone npm packages89


ideas Azure Function

  • The cron schedule (set in ideas/function.json) is 59 9,19,29,39,49,59 * * * *.10
  • JavaScript code sources for Slack posts:1112

Groups vs. containers

  • An idea call through REST API returns GroupId.
  • A Verint webhook event does not return GroupId, only ContainerId.
  • Containers vs. groups1314




Query fields

Possible to do:


You can't currently specify:


Azure Function output

To output JSON (this code is not in use - see Azure Logic app trigger):

var readyString = "<" + profileUrlNoQuotes + "|" + usernameNoQuotes + "> posted " + "<" + urlNoQuotes + "|" + subjectNoQuotes + ">\n" + trimmedString;

    // Response of the Function to be used later
    context.res = {
      body: { readyString }

Shared code

In a folder at root called Shared is a file of shared code (in this case, slackify-html.js).

(If working in the Azure Functions UI rather than in the VS Code Azure Functions extension, use Kudu > site > wwwroot.)

watchDirectories is added to host.json. If working in the Azure Functions UI, do this in Azure Function App settings:

  "version": "2.0",
  "watchDirectories": [

The shared code is referenced in the Azure Function index.js file:

var slackify = require('../Shared/slackify-html.js');


Azure Logic App schema

This schema code represents When a HTTP request is received > Request Body JSON Schema"

    "properties": {
        "events": {
            "items": {
                "properties": {
                    "DateOccurred": {
                        "type": "string"
                    "EventData": {
                        "properties": {
                            "ActorUserId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                            "BlogId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                            "BlogPostId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                            "CommentId": {
                                "type": "string"
                            "ContentId": {
                                "type": "string"
                            "ContentTypeId": {
                                "type": "string"
                            "ForumId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                            "ForumReplyId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                            "ForumThreadId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                            "GalleryId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                            "MediaId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                            "WikiId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                            "WikiPageId": {
                                "type": "integer"
                        "type": "object"
                    "TypeId": {
                        "type": "string"
                "required": [
                "type": "object"
            "type": "array"
    "type": "object"


  • Make sure the Azure Logic App is not turned off.
  • If the Azure Function starts erroring out unexpectedly, restart it in the Azure portal.1516
  • Make sure you have installed all the packages at root, including moment and moment-timezone.



  1. A feature request is logged with Verint: https://community.telligent.com/community/10/f/ask-the-community/1146446/rest-api-return-results-for-specified-time-period

  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53925981/is-there-a-better-way-to-turn-html-to-plain-text-in-javascript-than-a-series-of

  3. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53698843/replacing-quot-with-using-common-methods-does-not-work-in-a-javascript-azure

  4. After a few days the Function stops posting to Slack, despite experiments with consumption vs. non-consumption plans and other setup options. (See Azure Function output for unused code.) For this reason an Azure Logic App in the same resource group is used as the endpoint.

  5. https://community.telligent.com/community/10/f/ask-the-community/1146487/multiple-events-sent-at-once-with-webhook

  6. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54082871/javascript-loop-to-accommodate-filtered-array-of-objects-received-from-a-webhook

  7. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53990376/process-two-nearly-identical-json-blocks-with-one-set-of-code

  8. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53891951/conflicting-timestamps-in-javascript-azure-function

  9. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53753338/if-statement-inside-javascript-azure-function-not-working

  10. https://gist.github.com/scripting/2ab9b6f1f38fe699e451

  11. https://gist.github.com/csepulv/7174b19c1fbe219f057f1c89b1abc806

  12. https://community.telligent.com/community/10/f/ask-the-community/1146502/container-vs-group-in-rest-api

  13. https://community.telligent.com/community/10/f/ask-the-community/1146503/lists-of-containertypeid-applicationtypeid-contenttypeid-etc

  14. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54015261/reference-external-script-in-javascript-azure-function-code 2

  15. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54085156/azure-function-triggered-by-webhook-performs-action-on-compounding-list-of-histo

  16. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53972297/how-to-determine-why-an-azure-function-app-is-not-triggered-by-a-webhook