
A WordPress plugin for making theme footer credits editable.

Primary LanguagePHP

Footer Credits

A WordPress plugin for making theme footer credits editable.

Contributors: Brady Vercher
Requires: WordPress 4.0+
License: GPL-2.0+

This plugin only works with themes that have added support.

Footer Credits provides a standardized method for making theme credits editable. It registers a new section and fields in the Customizer for modifying the credits and choosing how they appear.

Theme authors, let your users and customers know your theme supports the Footer Credits plugin.


Footer Credits is available in the WordPress plugin directory, so it can be installed from your admin panel.


After installing and activating:

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize in your admin panel
  2. Open the Credits section
  3. Add some text to the Credits text area
  4. Choose whether your custom text appears before, after, or replaces the default credits.

Tip: Insert {{year}} in your text to have the year update automatically.

Footer Credits Customizer Screenshot
The Customizer section and fields.

Adding Support

If you're a theme author and want to add support, all you need to do is pass the default credits string through a footer_credits filter.

1. Create a template tag with the default credits and filter:

if ( ! function_exists( 'themename_credits' ) ) :
 * Theme credits text.
function themename_credits() {
	$text = sprintf( __( '%s by Cedaro.', 'themename' ),
		'<a href="http://www.cedaro.com/wordpress/themes/hyalite/">Hyalite</a>'

	echo apply_filters( 'footer_credits', $text );

2. Then call the template tag somewhere in the footer of the theme:

<footer class="site-footer">
	<div class="credits">
		<?php themename_credits(); ?>