
A node.js and browser JavaScript client to CedarMaps services.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A node.js and browser JavaScript client to CedarMaps services.

Table of contents


$ npm i @cedarstudios/cedarmaps

In order to use CedarMaps' API, you MUST have an access token. Get one from CedarMaps website (Menu link: "درخواست اکانت رایگان"). It may take a couple of hours until your request is processed and your credentials are emailed to you.

const cedarMaps = require('@cedarstudios/cedarmaps');
const client = cedarMaps('<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN>'); // Get your token from cedarmaps.com


Forward Geocoder

Signature: client.forwardGeocoding(queryString, searchIndex, filters, callback)

Options Value Description
queryString (required) String a query, expressed as a string, like 'ونک'. This string MUST be URI encoded. Use encodeURIComponent('ونک') for example.
searchIndex (required) String Available profiles:
  • cedarmaps.streets Only searches through map features - 1 API Call
  • cedarmaps.places Only searches through places (Source: kikojas.com) - 2 API Calls
  • cedarmaps.mix Searches through both profiles above - 3 API Calls
filters Object Example: { distance: 0.5, limit: 5 }.
Available filters:
  • limit integer - Number of returned results. Default is 10, Max is 30.
  • distance float - Unit is km, 0.1 means 100 meters.
  • location lat,lng - For searching near a location. should be used only with distance param.
  • type enum - Types of map features to filter the results. Possible values: street, poi, village, roundabout, expressway, locality, town, city, junction, freeway, boulevard, region, state
    (You can mix types by separating them with commas).
  • ne lat,lng - Specifies north east of the bounding box - should be used with sw param.
  • sw lat,lng - Specifies south west of the bounding box - should be used with ne param.
callback (required) Function A callback with passed params: (error, result).

Sample usage:

client.forwardGeocoding(encodeURIComponent('ونک'), 'cedarmaps.streets', {type: 'roundabout'}, (err, res) => {console.log(res);});

Reverse Geocoder

Signature: client.reverseGeocoding(location, options, callback)

Queries the reverse geocoder with a location and returns the address in desired format.

Options Value Description
location (required) Mixed A point can be formatted in one of the forms below:
  • [lon, lat] // an array of lon, lat
  • { lat: 0, lon: 0 } // a lon, lat object
  • { lat: 0, lng: 0 }
options Object
  • format - Address format with a number of place holders. Example: {province}{sep}{city}{sep}{locality}{sep}{district}{sep}{address}{sep}{place}
  • Prefix - Possible values: short, long
  • Separator - Character for {sep} placeholder. Example: "، "
  • Verbosity - Either true or false
callback (required) Function A callback with passed params: (error, result).

Sample usage:

client.reverseGeocoding([35.76312468, 51.40292645], {verbosity: true}, (err, res) => { console.log(res) });

Trip Calculator

Signature: client.distance(points, callback)

Travel-time and distance between up to 100 pairs of origin and destination, in one single request.

Options Value Description
points (required) Array An Array of {lat,lon} pairs. Example: [{ lat: 35.76312468, lon: 51.40292645 }, { lat: 35.76288091, lon: 51.37305737}]
callback (required) Function A callback with passed params: (error, result).

Reponse object description:

Key Description
distance The total distance of the route, in Meters.
time The total time of the route, in Milliseconds.
bbox The bounding box of the route, format: minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat.

Sample usage:

client.distance([{ lat: 35.76312468, lon: 51.40292645 }, { lat: 35.76288091, lon: 51.37305737}], (err, res) => {console.log(res)});

Turn by Turn Navigation

Signature: client.direction(points, options, callback)

Calculates the optimal driving routes between two or more points. (Shortest path)

Note: The number of provided points must be even.

Options Value Description
points (required) Array An Array of {lat,lon} pairs. Example: [{ lat: 35.76312468, lon: 51.40292645 }, { lat: 35.76288091, lon: 51.37305737}]
options Object The only available option for now is instructions (Boolean) which adds driving instructions object to the response.
callback (required) Function A callback with passed params: (error, result).

Sample usage:

client.direction([{ lat: 35.76312468, lon: 51.40292645 }, { lat: 35.76288091, lon: 51.37305737 }], {instructions: true}, (err, res) => { console.log(err, res) })

Reponse object description:

Key Description
distance The total distance of the route, in Meters.
time The total time of the route, in Milliseconds.
bbox The bounding box of the route, format: minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat.
geometry The geometry of the route as a GeoJSON LineString.

Here's the intructions object description:

Note: The last item in instructions array is the stop item with distance and time values of 0.

Key Description
text Descriptive text of the instruction.
street_name The name of the street to turn onto in order to follow the route.
distance The distance for this instruction, in Meters.
time The duration for this instruction, in Milliseconds.
interval An array containing the first and the last index (relative to geometry.coordinates) of the points for this instruction. This is useful to know for which part of the route the instructions are valid.
sign A number representing actions that should be taken to follow the instructions. You may use this number for determining the action icon in your interface, or voice instructions, etc.:
  • Keep Left=-7
  • Turn Sharp Left = -3
  • Turn Left = -2
  • Turn Slight Left = -1
  • Continue = 0
  • Turn Slight Right = 1
  • Turn Right = 2
  • Turn Sharp Right = 3
  • Reached via = 5
  • Roundabout = 6
  • Finish = 4


Signature: client.tile(profile)

TileJSON is a format that manages the complexities of custom maps. It organizes zoom levels, center points, legend contents, and more, into a format that makes it easy to display a map.

In order to get CedarMaps tiles you need to have their specification and then pass these info to your favorite map libarary (Leaflet, OpenLayers, etc.).

For instance, in our cedarmaps-web-sdk-raster you use this TileJSON url for displaying map tiles.

Options Value Description
profile (required) String Only available option is cedarmaps.streets for now.

Sample Response:

  "tilejson": "2.2.0",
  "name": "cedarmaps.streets",
  "version": "3.0",
  "description": "CedarMaps covers the whole world in general and Iran in details",
  "tiles": [
    "https://api.cedarmaps.com/v1/tiles/cedarmaps.streets/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=<your access token>"
  "attribution": "<a href=\"https://www.cedarmaps.com\">CedarMaps</a>",
  "minzoom": 0,
  "maxzoom": 17,
  "bounds": [-180, -90, 180, 90]

Sample usage:

client.tile('cedarmaps.streets', (err, res) => { console.log(err, res)});


If you have any questions while implementing Cedar Maps Node.js client, please feel free to open a new issue.