Unidata Download Utility (and other Unidata utilities)

The programs on this repository have been contributed by the authors for use by anyone who wants them. All programs are strictly AS IS...no warranty is offered. However, most of these programs are being used successfully at a variety of installations.

Directories at this level:


Create merge files, HTML files, XML files, dbf files, XLSX files, and ASCII files using LIST-style syntax. Options include adding control breaks, heading and footing records, secondary file access without the use of I-descriptors or virtual fields. Reference manual included. Installation procedures for Unidata, Universe, and Prime Information. Operating system support for Unix, Windows, and Primos.


Various utilities designed for the Unidata environment. Many would also work in the Universe environment.

Some highlights of the unidata/cedarville subdirectory:


Utilities to add custom commands to the AE editor


Skeleton programs to form basis for new programs


Page-formatting routine which produces ASCII output from Unidata files. Useful for standard layout documents like subscription notices, customer information sheets, etc.


Various subroutines for use in virtual fields. These subroutines provide sorting, run-time prompting, handling of multi-value associations, etc.


Various programs for producting cross tabulations, and histograms, viewing records, sorting lists, etc.


User oriented lp spool control and modifcation program. Requires adding C functions to UniData's cfuncdef and remaking udt.


Safe versions of CLEAR.FILE and DELETE.FILE


Sample files showing how Cedarville University connects Unidata information to the Web