Threshold-reliablity-based FRP strengthening of RC bridge girders

Date: Sep 2015
Author(s): David Yang
License: Software is released under the GNU General Public Licence.
Version: 1.0.0

DBN-MC simulation of RC girders:

  • Things to be checked when switching between flexure and shear analysis:

    1. constants/ comment/uncomment shear dimensions for flexure and shear analysis, respectively
    2. constants/ appropriate CS transition years
    3. select right seed and folder to generate the samples and save the results
  • Things to be checked when switching between analysis without and with evidence:

    1. evidence/ comment/uncomment CS block for analysis without/with evidence
    2. constants/ appropriate CS transition years for analysis with evidence

Reliability analysis of RC girders:

  • pyCEsmp/ change condAvailability accordingly for flexure, shear, independent system or correlated system
  • Postprocessing functions are mostly provided in pyCEsmp/, a small number of postprocessing functions are in fig/fig_source

DBN-MC simulation of FRP-strengthened girders:

  • Things to be checked when switching among different strengthening schemes
    1. constants/ since only shear strengthening is needed, beam dimension for shear should be used (uncomment appropriate block)
    2. For similar reason as 1, constants/ and evidence/ should be checked to make sure they match with the analysis type: shear analysis with evidence
    3. constants/ comment/uncomment FRP-related dimensions for U-w/-anchor and U-w/o-anchor respectively
    4. select right seed and folder to generate the samples and save the results
    5. comment/uncomment lines 52 and 56 for analysis with and without degradation