
Tool for dynamic display of Rhasspy MQTT messages with recording and query functionalities.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Rhasspy-watch is a tool for dynamic display of Rhasspy MQTT messages with recording and query functionalities.

Text messages are saved in json format and audio streaming are saved in .wav format. So you can listen again to what was recorded by the microphone and sent to the ASR !

Alt Text


To work, the script needs :

  • colorlog
  • paho-mqtt
  • python-dateutil
  • termcolor

Quick and dirty :

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Get repository :

git clone https://github.com/cedcox/rhasspy-watch
cd rhasspy-watch

Run the script

python3 ./rhasspy-watch.py


  • --host : MQTT hostname or IP" (default="rhasspy-master") (EnvVar: RW_HOST)
  • --port : MQTT server tcp port" (default=1883) (EnvVar: RW_PORT)
  • --username : user for authentication,default='' (EnvVar: RW_USERNAME)
  • --password : password for authentication,default='' (EnvVar: RW_PASSWORD)
  • --tls : use TLS connection to MQTT broker,default=False (EnvVar: RW_TLS)
  • --cacerts : CA path to verify the MQTT broker's TLS certificate,default=None (EnvVar: RW_CACERTS)
  • --mode : (EnvVar: RW_MODE)
    • 'mqtt' : Just live display (default)
    • 'mqtt_db' : Like 'mqtt' but MQTT messages are saved
    • 'search' : Use to get saved messages between 2 datetimes
  • --outpoutFormat : (EnvVar: RW_OUTFORMAT)
    • 'human' : Display messages in human readable text (default)
    • 'raw' : Display messages in json format
  • --datetime_start : the start date for search. ex: 2020-04-26 23:30:00 (EnvVar: RW_DATESTART)
  • --datetime_stop : the stop date for search. ex: 2020-04-26 23:30:00 (EnvVar: RW_DATESTOP)
  • --outputFile : Save the live display in log file. If empty or not specified, no file is generated (EnvVar: RW_OUTFILE)
  • --jsonfolder : folder where payloads are saved as json file. (default 'archives' in script folder) (EnvVar: RW_JSONFOLDER)
  • --noStandardOutput : Messages are not displayed on stdout (EnvVar: RW_NOSTDOUT)


Just display live messages in human readable text

python3 ./rhasspy-watch.py --host rhasspy-master.local 

Display live messages in human readable text and record messages

python3 ./rhasspy-watch.py --host rhasspy-master.local  --mode mqtt_db

Display recorded messages in json format between 2 hours

python3 ./rhasspy-watch.py --mode search --datetime_start "2020-04-25 15h30" --datetime_stop "2020-04-25 17h30" --outputFormat "raw"



git clone https://github.com/cedcox/rhasspy-watch
cd rhasspy-watch
docker build --tag rhasspy-watch .

Run with host, user and password

docker run -e RW_HOST= -e RW_USERNAME=mqtt -e RW_PASSWORD=mqtt  rhasspy-watch


I did not test authentication for MQTT :) I added it just in case someone wants to try

it's just a tool quickly developped to answer to a need, not a real soft

French article about tool : https://www.coxprod.org/domotique/rhasspy-watch/


The choice to use files instead of database to save the messages was made for reasons of simplicity and speed of writing the script. And secondly, because the tool is only started a few days, long enough to analyze a malfunction. The count of generated files should not be a problem.

However, I do not recommend using it for too long because the number of files may be very large.


Thanks to Koen Vervloesem - hermes-audio-server I helped myself with what he had done on this project


This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details