
Get public weather information from Netatmo API and push them in an ArcGIS Online hosted feature service

Primary LanguagePython

Azure Serverless, Python API, Public Crowdsourced Weather, Integration in ArcGIS Online

Aim : Use Azure serverless functions to get public weather information from Netatmo API and push them in an ArcGIS Online hosted feature service with python.

Presented as part of the speed geeking session for the 2019 European Developer Summit


intro Result map :


Steps :

What is Netatmo :


Netatmo API :


Script :

Check NetAtmo.py

How to create an azure serverless function

Install the prerequisite


Install Python 3.6.8. This version of Python is verified with Functions. 3.7 and later versions are not yet supported.

Install Azure Functions Core Tools version 2.7.1575 or a later version.

Install the Azure CLI version 2.x or a later version.

Have an active Azure subscription.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

Azure Portal - Create function on azure :

func init

Local console - func init

func init

Local console - func new

func new

paste your code in the main function


Edit requirements.txt and function.json

req timer

Local console - publish

func azure functionapp publish --build remote func init

Sample Dahsboard from Canton of Geneva :

func init