
A simple way to make a 'NANO ACCEPTED HERE' sign with QRCode

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple way to make a 'NANO ACCEPTED HERE' sign with a QRCode.

It's built on the great kjua QRCode generator and based on the the Official/Unofficial media kit from /u/theaaronp

You can customize it quite easily with the commands on the sides of the page. Nanosign is a simple html page, no server calls, it should be savable and run offline just fine.

Right click to save a png file and print it.

Feel free to fork, make PRs or feature requests, just hit 'Issues'.

Please do send me the signs you make up with this tool so I can display it here as a gallery! -> Just make a ticket with your sign attached or PM me on reddit. This is a cool way to give back to Nanosign.


Check it out ! nanosign.org

Build nanosign

make sure node.js is setup

git clone https://github.com/ceddup/nanosign

cd nanosign

npm install

npm run build

index.html is in /build/demo

You can view it with a simple http server like http-server. To do so:

npm install http-server -g


Go to http://localhost:8080/build/demo/index.html

Nano links

You can get a very descent Nano wallet here : getCanoe.io. There are many other Nano wallets out there, like Nanovault, Nanowallet et al.

You can get free, tiny, bits of Nano here: nanofaucet.org

The Nano media kit: Nano media kit

Nano official web site: nano.org

Nano currency guide: wikicryptocoins.com

Losts of informations about Nano, Nano nodes, etc: nanode21.cloud

Donate to nanosign

Join us to improve this alpha work or donate!
