
Cheap logger

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Quiviz is a cheap logger for your machine learning experiments.


Quiviz provides tools to autolog your experiments.

At import:

  • It injects an observable experiment state (dictionnary) into your script.
  • It autoconfigures a python logger to track metrics in this dictionnary.

To automatically populate this experiment state, the function returning the metrics you wish to track should simply return a dict() and be decorated with @quiviz.log. Values are aggregated by keys, ordered by insertion.

By default the logger creates a folder in your working directory to log experiments. You can create a ~/.quiviz_rc config file and add {"log_base_path":"~/my_xp_folder"} to select a custom directory.


  • Clone & install with: pip install -e .

Usage (see exemple.py):

  1. import quiviz
  2. Decorate logged function with @quiviz.log
  3. Run
def f(x):
    acc = x
    return {"accuracy":acc}
for x in range(100):
# -> quiviz will log {"accuracy": [0,...,99]} into injected state dict quiviz.quiviz._quiviz_shared_state

Observers API:

Under the hood, Quiviz is a dictionnary implementing the observable pattern. Each time the state dictionnary is updated some observers are notified. By default, the core logger observer is started. An observer is just a Callable object which takes as arguments two dictionnaries: the full state dict and the added subset.

  • New observers can be added with quiviz.register(<Callable Observer>)

A minimal observer looks like this:

def printObs(state,new_values):

quiviz.register(printObs) # will call do_things whenever values are added to quiviz observable dict.

Existing Observers (see quiviz.contrib):

  • Vizdom continuous logging: contrib.LinePlotObs