Simple client and server in go to test data exfiltration over http uri paths. Steps:
cd server
go build
This will start your golang http server that will listen for and parse inbound http request uri values. Reminder: place the appropriate firewall rules in front of this server to ensure that only your testing client can access port 80 on this server
ulimit -n 1000000
cd client
Replace the placeholder string "domain-or-IP-here" in the client.go file with the domain or IP address that you are using for your web server.
go build
./client <path_to_file_to send>
This will take whatever file you point it to, break it into 200 character chunks of hex encoded text, and send it to the server in the form of GET /[200_char_hex_encoded_chunk to the target server. The target server will in turn parse these uri values, hex decode them, and write them to a file in the current directory named "outfile"
This makes for a good test to see if files exfiltrated in this manner are detected in your environment.