
ActsAsArchivable was developped by joshuaclayton. Since his GitHub account has dissapeared, i just put online my last backup of the plugin. Hope it'll help. ActsAsArchivable is a collection of methods that I found myself using quite a bit related to models with time-stamped columns.


ActsAsArchivable is a collection of methods that I found myself using quite a bit related 
to models with time-stamped columns.  Initial things were blog entries in regards to archives, 
but I found that I was using these more and more in various ways throughout many models.

This library requires ActiveRecord.

  class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
    acts_as_archivable :order => 'DESC'
    has_many  :comments, :dependent => :destroy

  class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
    acts_as_archivable :on => :replied_on
    belongs_to  :entry

From here, you have quick access to records related to date.

  Entry.by_date :year => 2007
  Entry.by_date Date.today
  Entry.by_date '5/1/2007'


  Entry.recent 2.weeks
  Entry.recent 3.months
  Entry.recent (3.months - 1.week)

  Entry.between '5/10/2007', Date.today