Java packaging scripts

This is a no-install version of the scripts I maintain in Debian java-package package. You may currently find it on Debian unstable (sid) or in the Debian git repository (git+ssh://

The scripts create a Debian package from a Java(TM) SE distribution. It works currently with the following Java(TM) SE JREs, JDKs and APIs: Oracle(TM) 1.6 Standard Edition (starting with update 10) Oracle(TM) 1.7 Standard Edition


Install the debhelper and fakeroot packages:

apt-get install debhelper fakeroot

Download the java-package scripts:

git clone && cd java-package

Download a supported Java(TM) SE JRE or JDK or API tar.gz or self-extracting archive from

J2SE_PACKAGE_LIBDIR=./lib ./make-jpkg downloaded-archive