
Implementation of a Proof-Of-Concept for my Master's Dissertation - Chameleon: A Secure Cloud-Enabled and Queryable System with Elastic Properties. Chameleon Enables data analysis upon ciphered JSON documents using Homomorphic Encryption, leveraging Elasticsearch as the underlying Search Engine and Document Storage.

Primary LanguageJava

Chameleon: A Secure Cloud-Enabled and Queryable System with Elastic Properties

Prototype of the Chameleon System, a proxy middleware capable of providing data analysis upon ciphered documents stored in Elasticsearch. Prototype derived from the underlying Master Thesis [1] written and implemented by João Santos.


Nowadays, applicational logging and the use of cloud-based services are a recurring solution when it comes to managing critical business applications. Resorting to cloud computing for data storage is often the most cost effective way of dealing with this issue, given how easily it shifts the responsibility of storage management to the cloud provider. Besides the given point, the use of cloud computing to host logs or common records provides an accessible manner for its use and analysis, at any given time. Some of these stored records might be considered sensitive, potentially revealing and often dangerous in the wrong hands. The convenience of using cloud-storage services does not come without a price. Choosing to trust a cloud provider means accepting the fact that our data might, or might not, be entirely secure when it comes to all kinds of events. Happenings of this sort can be categorized as Data leaks, common malicious attacks and the existence of an honest-but-curious cloud administrator.

Following the idea that logs and other critical data could potentially lead to unwanted outccomes when not secure, it stands to point that a cloud-based service must ensure privacy, authenticity and integrity of all its given contents. All these requirements must be fulfilled while still supporting the ability to audit the system by authorized principals. This task could be easily implemented by the raw use of Homomorphic Encryption and Searchable Encryption by end users, which would allow for secure logging storage in the cloud. This solution alone, however, is not ideal for embedded usage in analytical frameworks, due to its complex and restrictive operation set. Platforms implementing real-time analysis of data streams, such as Elastic Stack, should be able to incorporate near full-fledged querying on encrypted data in a trivial and efficient manner, diminishing the previously mentioned trade-off between secure data and performance/usability.

Taking this into consideration, support for efficient and user friendly full-fledged querying on ciphered data should be provided, thus mitigating potential security leaks.

Our Solution: Chameleon

The solution for our problem targets the necessary steps of the design, prototype and cloud-deployment, accomplishing our goal of providing a stackable system for a privacy-enhancing elastic storage solution. This solution is based on isolated and virtualized components, orchestrated in a well-defined environment, resulting in a deployable Cloud-enabled PaaS solution. Chameleon provides a reliable, secure and elastic searchable storage system. Its focus lies on handling documents in JSON format, stored as encrypted JSON documents with cryptographic formats, uploaded from any logging source. The designed solution ensures the necessary tools for data analysis, providing an extensible middleware to an analytics engine, supporting queries on the ciphered JSON documents. Chameleon is designed to support a rich array of queries with semantics similar to those found on reference elastic storage solutions.

Main Features:

  • A Stackable system for a privacy-enhancing elastic storage
  • Restful, Distributed and Scalable
  • Deployable as a Cloud-Enabled PaaS solution
  • Provides tools for secure log-analysis through an extensible middleware and analytics engine
  • Supports Infinit Depth JSON Document encryption, allowing multiple encryptions per field
  • Handles any number of JSON schemas on the fly
  • Scales with ease

System Model and Architecture

System Model Overview:

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Architectural Components Overview:

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Components Summary:

  • Chameleon Proxy: Acts as a proxy which filters requests and extracts the necessary data to be processed by the Chameleon Operator.
  • Chameleon Operator: Responsible for applying the necessary logic to the received Input (Parsing, Encryption, Decryption, CRUDs)
    • Data Module: Encryption and Decryption of Document based operations.
    • Search Module: Parsing and transforming incoming queries into its encrypted form.
    • User Module: Security Module CRUDs of the Native Realm.
    • Config Module: Creation and configuration of the encrypted schema for a given index.
  • Encryption Service: Parses any given JSON document and Encrypts/Decrypts it according to the provided encrypted schema.
  • Homo Library: Underlying Cypto Module used for encryption of JSON documents. (Exact Matching, Word Search, Random, Range, Addition, Multiplication)

Supported Encrypted Operations with Elasticsearch

  • Search API: returns search hits that match the query defined in the request.
    • Full-text: match, match_phrase, multi_match and combined_fields;
    • Compound: Boolean;
    • Term level: Range, Term and Terms;
    • Aggregations: Min, Max, Sum and Avg.
  • Asynch Search API: The async search API lets you asynchronously execute a search request, monitor its progress, and retrieve partial results as they become available. Supports the same queries as the Search API.
  • Documents API:
    • Bulk: Perform a certain action on several documents at once;
    • Index: Index (insert) an encrypted document;
    • Get: Retrieve an encrypted document
  • Security API:
    • Create User: Insert an encrypted user into the Native Realm;
    • Get User: Retrieve an encrypted user from the Native Realm;
    • Delete User: Delete an encrypted user from the Native Realm.

Tech Stack

  • Java 11
  • Spring Projects : Boot, Cloud Gateway, Security
  • Elasticsearch
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Maven

How to Play with my Prototype

Tested Prototype requires

  • Java 11
  • Elasticsearch 7.+
  • Maven 3.6.3
  • Docker 20.10.7
  • Kubernetes 1.19+.

Kubernetes Deployment (Recommended)

The stable deployment version requires a Kubernetes Cluster, either a remote cloud-based cluster or a local emulator, such as Minikube.

Folder Kubernetes_Deployment contains two configuration files which should be updated accordingly (System resources, replicas, etc.)

  • ECK.yaml : Responsible for configuring the desired state of Elasticsearch cloud
  • chamelelon.yaml: Responsible for configuring the desired state of our solution Chameleon

Script chameleon-deployment.sh should be run on in its current folder to create and deploy Chameleon and Elasticsearch on the Kubernetes cluster.


1. João Santos. Chameleon: A Secure Cloud-Enabled and Queryable System with Elastic Properties, MSc Thesis. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2021. https://run.unl.pt/handle/10362/135419