
Test to illustrate syncing a Google Sheet document to Github as an Excel document and build something with it

Primary LanguagePython



Google Sheet document -> TravisCI + Github repository @ build -> Github repository @ master as Excel document -> [Knative Build with Drools Server buildpack.]

NB: The Knative build part is not done yet and could be replaced with a direct docker image build.


  • Google Sheet user triggers the Travis CI job on branch build using some Google Script code.
  • Travis CI invokes the sync.py script
  • The sync.py script exports a Google Sheet identified by the GOOGLE_SHEET_FILE_ID environement variable as an Excel document in the ./build/ directory which is then exported to the master branch using the TravisCI pages plugin.

Environment variables

Environment variable Description
GITHUB_TOKEN Used to push the ./build directory to the master branch
GOOGLE_SHEET_FILE_ID ID of the Google Sheet document to export as Excel
GPG_KEY GPG key used to decrypt the GCP Service Account JSON file service-account.json.gpg

Mutual authentication (Callback mechanism)

  • The Google Script which triggers the TravisCI build authenticates using a TravisCI API Token.
  • The TravisCI build authenticates using a GCP Service Account JSON file encrypted using GPG using a key stored as a TravisCI secure variable.

The TravisCI build doesn't take for granted what it receives from the web trigger, it fetches itself the Google Sheet document from GCP. Both sides verify the other.

Sample Google Script to trigger the Github build

Paste the following code in the Google Sheet script editor and replace the <YOUR_TRAVISCI_TOKEN>, branch, user and repo parameters :

function onOpen() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
      .addItem('Build', 'build')

function build() {

  var token = '<YOUR_TRAVISCI_TOKEN>';
  var branch = 'deploy';
  var user = 'cedricvidal';
  var repo = 'google-drive-sync-test';

  var headers = { 
    "Authorization" : "token " + token,
    "Travis-API-Version": "3"

  var body = {
    "request": {
      "branch": branch

  var options =
     "contentType" : "application/json",
     "method" : "post",
     "headers" : headers,
     "payload" : JSON.stringify(body)

  var url = "https://api.travis-ci.com/repo/" + user +"%2F" + repo + "/requests";

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);

   .toast("Published document", "Decision Table");