
A simple light-weight system and service monitoring daemon written in python

Primary LanguagePython


A simple light-weight system and service monitoring daemon written in python

Supported Checks


  • check if port is available and optionally responding with a expected string on connect


  • simple SMTP : check if smtp server responds and accepts mail (tests up to the RCPT TO stage, not actually sending mail)
  • full Mailflow monitoring: sends a mail via smtp and retrieves that mail again from an IMAP box


  • monitor DNS record availability
  • monitor DNS Synchronisation between DNS Servers (compare Zone Serial)

Supported Notification Types

  • Chat: Jabber/XMPP
  • SMS: Clickatell
  • E-Mail (SMTP)


requirements: for jabber/xmpp support

easy_install xmpppy

required for dns checks:

easy_install dnspython

install monsta:

python setup.py install


The ini-style configuration is done in '/etc/monsta/monsta.conf' (you may use multiple config files as well by puttinging *.conf files in '/etc/monsta/conf.d')

Section types:

Checks : A single check if a service is available, say "port 80 on host example.com is reachable"

Tests : Tests contain one or more checks and define what should happen if one or more checks fail. You need at least one test with one check. Tests also define who should be notified after how many failed attempts.

Notifications: Monsta supports various ways to notify a user (Email, Chat messages, SMS, ...) Each recipient requires its own configuration section

Defining notifications:

[Notification_somename] # must start with Notification_
type=notificationtype  # what type of notification (jabber, email, sms,....) run monsta --help notification a list of supported types 



Defining Checks:

[Check_checkname] #must start with Check_
type=portconnect #type of the check. run monsta --help check to get a list of supported types
additional fields here, based on the type

Defining Tests:

[Test_testname] # must start with Test_
checks=checkname1 checkname2 ... # list of checks separated by space.
interval=300 # how often should the checks in this test be run (seconds)
requires=all # 'all' or 'any'. All: all checks must succeed for the test to succeed. 'any': At least one check must succeed, the others may fail

# notification/escalations: the number before the colon defines how many times the test must fail until the notifications happens.
# in the example below, a smtp message and a jabber message would be sent to bob after 1 failure
# an sms message to bob would be sent after 2 failures
# an sms message to the boss would be sent after 5 failures
# the counter is reset to 0 if a test succeeds
# 0 is allowed as well, if you want a message every time a test has been performed
notify=1:smtp_bob,jabber_bob 2:sms_bob 5:sms_boss