
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


speedweave is a cli tool that works on Linux, Windows and Mac, it can be used as a stand-alone app using the executables available in Releases, or use it with Node from the npm package.

speedweave was created to cache SmartWeave contract states, storing them into the permaweb to easily access the cached version with a GraphQL request.

The depoyed state has the following setup:

data: The updated state
  App-Name: speedweave
  Contract-Id: contractTxId
  Content-Type: application/json

Then with GraphQL you can easily grab the latest state of a trusted deployer, example:

# Owners is an array of trusted deployers
# Sources is an array of contract-ids you want to get the lastest cached version, you can remove this tag to get any contract deployed by "owners".
query($owners: [String!], $sources: [String!]!) {
    owners: $owners
    tags: [
      { name: "App-Name", values: "speedweave"},
      { name: "Contract-Id", values: $sources },
      { name: "Content-Type", values: "application/json"}
  ) {
    edges {
      node {
        block {

A few options are available to help easily deploy the cached states. You need to provide a wallet jwk key file and a list of trusted sources, these are the SmartWeave contract sources and from there it will search all contracts that use the same source to create a cache of them.

You can also set after how many blocks to deploy a new and updated version.


------ CacheWeave ------
-h/--help    = Show this help message. A list of options.
-w/--wallet  = Set the wallet path. Default is wallet.json
-b/--blocks  = Set how many blocks to save the cache transaction.
-t/--trusted = Set the trusted list of contract sources, one per line. Default is trusted.txt