Vaccination SARS-CoV-2 data (Canton of Bern) reported by the "Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Integrationsdirektion (GSI) des Kantons Bern".


The aim of this repository is to provide open government datasets for Vaccination SARS-CoV-2 related data (Canton Bern) reported by the "Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Integrationsdirektion (GSI) des Kantons Bern". Since January 2021 most cantons report vaccination data.

If you have any questions, please don't hestitate to contact us:

List of open government datasets¹ and non-published datasets in this repository

Federal Statistical Office

Canton Bern

  • [Vaccination Data - GSI] (not accessible)

Table: 1. Vaccinations key figures

General description
The table (vaccination_key_figures.csv) shows newly reported vaccinations.


Description: The values in this table show the current state of the reported vaccination numbers.
Spatial unit: Canton of Bern
Format: csv
Stability of datasource: Basically very stable - dependent on Vaccination Data GSI.
Update periodicy: This csv file is updated every 15 minutes.


Field Name Description Format Example Source
dateStats Last vaccination sync date YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:ss 2021-05-18T14:35:00+01:00 Calculated
dateSlots Sync date free vaccination appointments YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:ss 2021-05-18T14:35:00+01:00 Calculated
totalRegistrations Total registered persons Number 591428 Vaccination Data GSI
totalSingleVaccinated Total single vaccinated Number 172046 Vaccination Data GSI
totalDoubleVaccinated Total double vaccinated Number 166562 Vaccination Data GSI
totalVaccinationsLastWeek Total vaccinated last week Number 21247 Vaccination Data GSI
totalVaccinationsSecondLastWeek Total vaccinated last two weeks Number 67903 Vaccination Data GSI
freeSlots Total free vaccination appointments Number 415 Vaccination Data GSI

Chart: 2. Vaccinations by district (Verwaltungskreis)

General description
The chart shows vaccination data per district in the canton of Bern.


Description: The values in this table show the current state of the reported vaccination numbers per district. Spatial unit: Region in the canton of Bern
Format: csv
Stability of datasource: Basically very stable - dependent on Vaccination Data GSI.
Update periodicy: This csv file is updated every 15 minutes.


Field Name Description Format Example Source
date Last vaccination sync date YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:ss 2021-05-18T14:35:00+01:00 Calculated
bfsNumber BFS Number per district Number 247 Swiss official commune register¹
district Region Text Thun Swiss official commune register¹
totalRegistrations Total registered persons Number 105486 Vaccination Data GSI
totalSingleVaccinated Total single vaccinated Number 70752 Vaccination Data GSI
totalDoubleVaccinated Total double vaccinated Number 67427 Vaccination Data GSI
population Number of inhabitants per district Number 107029 Regionalportraets 2020: Kennzahlen aller Gemeinden¹ (calculated)