
Notify discord channels when livestream has gone live

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Broadcasts when a livestream goes live to a discord channel. Also contains random fun casino games.

Supports the following platforms:

  • Twitch.tv
  • Youtube
  • Vlive
  • Afreeca

Getting started

Clone the repository and install npm dependencies

$ git clone https://github.com/ceejayc7/discord-livestream-notifier.git
$ npm install

Add src/data/db.json to include the streams to be watching

    "twitch": [
    "twitch": [
    "youtube": [
    "vlive": [
    "afreeca": [

Add src/data/constants.json to include tokens and server configuration

  "serverConfig": {
      "discordToken": "DISCORD_TOKEN",
      "streamChannels": ["VALID_CHANNEL_NAME"],
      "casinoChannels": ["VALID_CHANNEL_NAME"],
      "kpopChannels": ["VALID_CHANNEL_NAME", "VALID_CHANNEL_NAME"],
      "allowFishing": true,
      "allowTweeting": true
      "discordToken": "DISCORD_TOKEN",
      "streamChannels": ["VALID_CHANNEL_NAME"],
      "casinoChannels": ["VALID_CHANNEL_NAME"],
      "allowFishing": false
  "tokens": {
    "twitch": {
      "clientId": "TWITCH_CLIENT_ID",
      "clientSecret": "TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET"
    "youtube": {
      "apiKey": "YOUTUBE_API_KEY"
    "twitter": {
      "consumerKey": "TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY",
      "consumerSecret": "TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET",
      "accessTokenKey": "TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY",
      "accessTokenSecret": "TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"
  "overrides": {
    "include24HourYouTubeStreams": false,
    "silentMode": true

Build and run

$ npm run build
$ npm run start

For further help on setting up a Discord bot, visit https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/rewrite/discord.html