
Reduction scripts for CEERS NIRCam imaging public data releases

Table of contents

CEERS Introduction

The Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey (CEERS) has covered ~100 sq. arcmin of the EGS field with JWST imaging and spectroscopy using NIRCam, MIRI, and NIRSpec. CEERS is demonstrating, testing, and validating efficient extragalactic surveys with coordinated, overlapping parallel observations in a field supported by a rich set of HST/CANDELS multi-wavelength data. In Cycle 1, CEERS obtained imaging and spectroscopy of the EGS field with six parallel JWST instrument modes:

  • Four pointings with MIRI imaging (primary) + NIRCam imaging (parallel)
  • Six pointings with NIRSpec MSA R~1000 and four additionally with R~100 (primary) + NIRCam imaging (parallel)
  • Four pointings with NIRCam grism (primary) + MIRI imaging (parallel)

See our team website for more information on the program: ceers.github.io

CEERS NIRCam Imaging

All told there are ten CEERS NIRCam pointings obtained in parallel to MIRI and NIRSpec observations. The tightly-constrained, overlapping CEERS observations were schedulable in June or December with a 180 degree position angle rotation. Due to time constraints in the 2022 June observing window following telescope and instrument commissioning, the CEERS observations were split into two epochs. CEERS pointings 1, 2, 3 and 6 (MIRI primary + NIRCam parallel) were observed in Epoch 1 in June 2022. The remaining CEERS observations (six NIRSpec MSA+NIRCam imaging pointings and four NIRCam WFSS+MIRI imaging pointings) were observed in Epoch 2 in December 2022.

This Repository

Here we provide the scripts used to reduce the NIRCam imaging that is available in our public data release 0.5 (DR0.5). The details of this reduction are presented in Bagley et al. (2023). While we continue to update and improve our processing, here we provide the versions of the reduction scripts that will reproduce our public data release. Where possible in this repository, we also provide information on our updates and improvements that are not included in this version of these scripts.

We have organized this as a set of README files for each stage of the JWST Calibration Pipeline and any other steps that may be included. These READMEs are called stage1.md, stage2.md, and stage3.md. Each file describes the scripts and routines needed to perform the corresponding level of image reductions. We give examples on how to run the scripts and how to customize them with paths, file suffixes, optional parameters, etc.

The Epoch 1 observations include 690 individual images, and performing each reduction step on these images in series takes quite a while. We therefore prefer to reduce CEERS NIRCam imaging in parallel via batch scripts (see Batch Processing below), and so we have not created Jupyter notebooks to run these reduction steps. Please see the CEERS JWebbinar (JWebbinar 13) and associated notebook for examples on how to run each stage of the pipeline. We note that these notebooks were created for simulated data and use a much older version of the JWST Calibration Pipeline. However, they provide more detailed information on each step of the Pipeline as well as demonstrating various methods for running the Pipeline. We also recommend JWebbinar3 and the STScI Pipeline Documentation for a more detailed explanation of each Pipeline step.

Our CEERS NIRCam reduction makes use of a combination of the Pipeline strun command and Python scripts/wrappers. The somewhat inconsistent nature of our coding practices is a testament to the large number of collaborators who contributed quickly to developing our procedures.

Reduction Code Versions

This repository currently contains the code version we used to produce DR0.5. As time goes on, we may provide updates to our scripts here. In that case, we will tag this version of the repository and update the table below. In this way, if you wish to download the version we used to produce DR0.5, you will be able to clone the corresponding tag.

ceers-nircam Tag Corresponding CEERS Data Release Released jwst Version CRDS pmap Notes
-- DR0.5 2023-04-05 v1.7.2 0989 Initial code release, reduction intended to be run in parallel

Installation and Set-up

To fully reproduce our reduction, please install version 1.7.2 of the JWST Calibration Pipeline. We recommend doing so in a conda environment:

conda create -n <env_name> python=3.9
conda activate <env_name>
pip install jwst==1.7.2

When running a Pipeline or Pipeline step, the Pipeline will automatically look for any required reference files in a pre-defined local directory. If the required reference files are not present, they will automatically be downloaded from the Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS) at STScI.

You will need to specify a local directory to store the reference files and provide the server to use to download files from CRDS. To do this, define two environment variables:

For example, in Bash:

export CRDS_PATH="$HOME/crds_cache"
export CRDS_SERVER_URL=https://jwst-crds.stsci.edu

This assumes you will store reference files in a directory crds_cache in your home directory.

Next, to reproduce our reduction, please specify the same CRDS pipeline mapping (pmap) that we used in creating the DR0.5 reduction:

export CRDS_CONTEXT=jwst_0989.pmap

Additional packages and software

Installing jwst will install any necessary dependencies, including other STScI packages. If you have previously installed a higher version of jwst, you may need to downgrade the stcal and stdatamodels packages to work with jwst v1.7.2. If you encounter errors in Stage 1 processing related to missing modules or inconsistent datamodel structures, you may try:

pip install stcal==1.1.0
pip install stdatamodels==0.4.3

These are the versons of the stcal and stdatamodels packages that were available when v1.7.2 was the current release of jwst.

Our source masking procedures (used for the 1/f noise subtracion and sky background subtraction require a Photutils function called make_source_masks, which was moved to a different part of the module in version 1.6.0. If you have previously installed a higher version of Photutils, you may need to downgrade. If you encounter errors when running remstriping.py, you may try:

pip install photutils==1.5.0

Finally, our wrapper for running TweakReg will require Source Extractor, which can be installed via conda:

conda install -c conda-forge astromatic-source-extractor

Source Extractor is not needed if you choose to skip running TweakReg from scratch and instead update the image headers with our saved WCS models as described here.

Downloading Data

You can download data from the MAST web portal or using Astropy astroquery. We provide a script to download all CEERS NIRCam imaging raw files, sorted by pointing ID. First, download astroquery if it isn't already a part of your environment:

conda install -c conda-forge astroquery

To download all raw files from CEERS NIRCam pointing 1:

python ceersdownload.py 1

To download all 1936 raw CEERS NIRCam files:

python ceersdownload.py all

All products are downloaded into individual subdirectories within a parent directory DOWNLOAD_DIR/mastDownload/JWST. To move all downloaded files from their subdirectories (and delete the subdirectories) to DOWNLOAD_DIR:

python ceersdownload.py 1 --cleanup

The download script can optionally also sort all raw files by CEERS NIRCam pointing. To move all downloaded files into directories called nircam1, nircam2, etc.:

python ceersdownload.py 1 --sort_files

If the --sort_files option is set, the subdirectory structure is cleaned up (--cleanup) by default.

Customization Options:

At the top of ceersdownload.py:

  • DOWNLOAD_DIR: provide the relative (or absolute) path to the directory into which to download the MAST data products.
  • DATATYPE: provide the type of data to download (UNCAL, RATE, CAL,etc.)

Stage 1: Detector-level corrections

Stage 1 of the JWST Calibration Pipeline performs detector-level corrections, many of which are common to all instruments and observing modes.

We have created our own procedures for snowball removal, wisp subtraction and 1/f noise subtraction. See stage1.md for more information.

Stage 2: Individual Image Calibrations

Stage 2 of the JWST Calibration Pipeline involves individual image calibrations such as flat-fielding and flux calibrating the data.

We adopt the default options for this stage. See stage2.md for more information.

Stage 3: Ensemble Processing

Stage 3 of the JWST Calibration Pipeline performs ensemble reduction steps, where the output product is a single mosaic per filter combining all images and dithers.

We have created our own procedures for astrometric alignment, sky subtraction, and rescaling the variance maps. See stage3.md for more information.

Batch Processing

In the directory batch_scripts, we provide scripts used to run each of the reduction steps on all imaging from the Epoch 1 observations. We used the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at the University of Texas at Austin for our image reduction, and so these scripts were designed to be executed in parallel using a distributed computing system. These scripts provide one command per line.

The scripts assume an input directory called uncals (for stage 1 processing only) and all processed outputs are saved in a directory called calibrated. The READMEs for each Pipeline stage describe how the I/O paths and filenames can be changed in each reduction script.