This Template is based on MAUI Template from StereoKit.
Included is a small sample game.
Everytime a Release (&Tag) is created there is an action included which automatically generates UWP(Arm64), Android and Standalone zip files. To be executed on supporting devices (Quest, HoloLens 2, Windows-PC)
To give github action access to the releases (to add the binaries) you need to configure Read & Write access for the GITHUB_TOKEN to the repository. See Github>{Repository}>Settings>Actions>General>Workflow permissions
You need a Github Secrets for the UWP (HoloLens) Build to work.
Under Github>{Repository}>Settings>Secrets and variables>Actions
you need to create "New repository secret" with name CERT
and value should be the base64 of the UWP (PFX) certificate, used to sign the uwp app.
Microsoft has documentation on how to create a certificate for signing.
Use the following powershel command to create base64 from the certificate file.
dotnet publish -c Release .\Projects\Android\SKTemplate_Multi_Android.csproj -o OUTPUT_Android
dotnet publish -c Release .\SKTemplate_Multi.csproj -o OUTPUT_Win
Hint: Certificate.pfx needs to be created before
msbuild .\Platforms\StereoKit_UWP\StereoKit_UWP.csproj /p:Platform=ARM64 /p:AppxBundle=Always /p:AppxBundlePlatforms="ARM64" /p:PackageCertificateKeyFile=Certificate.pfx /p:AppxPackageDir=../../OUTPUT_Holo /restore