
This repository shows how to use Cypress, the E2E testing framework, to test a simple RoR app

Primary LanguageRuby


Based on


IMPORTANT: If necessary, run sudo chown -R $USER:$USER . after each docker-compose * command to gain access to the directory

Working with the app

  1. Based on the .example.env file, you should create:
    • An .env file for production stage
    • An .env.dev file for development stage
    • An .env.test file for test stage
  2. Run make build STAGE=${STAGE} according the stage you need. STAGE can be dev, prod, or test. If STAGE is not given, its default value is test
  3. If this is your first time here, you should:
    • Run make rails-dbcreate STAGE=${STAGE}
    • Run make rails-dbmigrate STAGE=${STAGE}
  4. Run make up STAGE=${STAGE}
  5. Go to your favorite browser and type${ROR_HOST_PORT} (check ROR_HOST_PORT in the .example.env file)

Steps to integrate Cypress with RoR

  1. Run yarn add --dev cypress or npm i cypress --save-dev to install Cypress
  2. Run make up to start the app
  3. In a new console, run yarn run cypress open to start Cypress and configure it
  4. After global configuration is ready, it's necessary to configure the E2E section. The UI will invite you to create your first spec.cy.js file
  5. In the cypress.config.js file that has automatically been created, you should define the e2e.baseUrl variable as${ROR_HOST_PORT} (where ${ROR_HOST_PORT} is the actual value of the variable and not a reference). For instance, if ROR_HOST_PORT=3001, you should have a cypress.config.js file like this:
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");

module.exports = defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    baseUrl: '',
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      // implement node event listeners here

You can review an example of this with actual tests in the branch cypress-integration

Further reading

You may also want to check an alternative way to integrate Cypress and RoR by using the gem cypress-rails https://www.bootrails.com/blog/rails-cypress-testing/ https://github.com/testdouble/cypress-rails