
Implementation of a Client for the Board Game "Nine Men's Morris" in C

Primary LanguageC

Nine Men's Morris C-Client


This project implements a Nine Men's Morris game client, allowing players to interact with a server, make moves, and play the game against each other or against a basic AI. It consists of several C source files responsible for establishing connections, handling shared memory, reading and processing configuration files, and managing communication between the client and the server.


  • sharedMemory.h: Defines structures and functions related to shared memory.
  • sysprak-client.h: Header file containing function prototypes and necessary includes.
  • performConnection.h: Header file for handling server connection and message parsing.
  • config.h: Header file defining configuration structures.
  • sharedMemory.c: Implementation of shared memory functions for inter-process communication.
  • performConnection.c: Functions for handling the game's server connection and interpreting messages.
  • config.c: Reads and processes configuration data from a file.
  • think.c: Executes the AI decision-making process.
    • The AI determines the best possible move based on the current game phase (placing tiles, moving tiles, capturing opponent tiles).
    • Various conditions and loops help in selecting the optimal move based on the game's rules.
  • main.c: Main program file orchestrating game setup and execution.


  • The Makefile contains instructions for building the project.

Other header files

  • sysprak-client.h, performConnection.h, and other header files contain function declarations and definitions used across multiple source files.

How to Use

  • Compile the project using the provided Makefile.
  • Execute the resulting binary to run the client application.
  • Ensure necessary dependencies and configurations are appropriately set before running the application.


  • This project might depend on certain system libraries and configurations, such as POSIX libraries, network-related headers (sys/socket.h, netinet/in.h, etc.), and standard C libraries (stdio.h, stdlib.h, etc.). It also requires the server implementation which is not included in this repository.


  • This project resembles a university project completed by a team of four people.