Query-driven entity resolution over a streaming data set
You need to have spark install and running somewhere
sbt compile
sbt -mem 8000 assembly
This creates an assembly jar that has all the qdstreaming package.
To launch a class edu.ufl.cise.dsr.examples.WikiLink
use the follwing command.
--class "edu.ufl.cise.dsr.examples.WikiLink"\
--master "local[4]"\
Even better, to run on the sm321 server use the following command.
time ~/projects/spark/bin/spark-submit\
--class "edu.ufl.cise.dsr.examples.DistributedER"\
--supervise --driver-cores 1 --total-executor-cores 32 --executor-memory 2G\
--driver-memory 6G -v --master spark://sm321-01.cise.ufl.edu:7077\
To launch a process in the REPL use the following command.
--master local[8]\
--jars /home/cgrant/projects/qdstreaming/code/target/scala-2.10/qdstreaming-assembly-0.01.jar
We apply the doubling algorithm in minibatches accepting the stream of document and monitoring a set of queries, keeping the clusters about the same size.
- IngestorActor
- Pulls documents from a data stream
- Pushes documents to a classifier actor
- ClassifierActor
- Vectorizes the documents
- Extracts entity chains and contexts
- Accepts documents
- discards bad documents
- If new doc is farther than the difference of the individual cluster centers
- pushes docs to the CorefActor
- CorefActor
- Accept vectorized documents
- Knows the centroid of all CanopyActors
- Run NewDoublingAlgorithm
- Default in update mode
- When Canopy Actors complain
- Sends a signal to the MergeActor
- CanopyActor
- Store local data structures
- Pairwise similarity
- term-document frequencies (ambiquity)
- Accepts vectorized documents
- Represents a cluster
- Keeps track of its containing entity nodes
- Performs incremental entity resolution
- if size is large
- Perform a SCRUB step
- If SCRUB doesnt help
- Complain to CorefActor
- Possibly have several duplicate canopies doing random coreference and perform periodic merges for consensus
- MergeActor
- Performs MERGE on Canopy Actors
- Call on Canopy actors UNLOAD
- SCRUB/UNLOAD to the doubling algorithm
- SCRUB --- Get rid of non-query items, or "weird" items
- UNLOAD --- Create a summary of for ER use.
- Self-managing Canopies
- We can also have clone canopies, these canopies communicate to make merge decisions.
- (1) Clone canopies only keep mentions that appear in at least one of the query nodes.
- (2) Canopies also throw our any instances of duplicate informaiton. Obviouse duplicates (redundant information) is not needed to make decisions.
- We can also have clone canopies, these canopies communicate to make merge decisions.
- Query-distribution, The number of query nodes vs the number of clusters/canopies
- If cannopies become large, create more sub-entities
- Swaps at the sub-entity level
- Coreference models
- Query-Driven within a canopy
- Lifted Inference (Percy Liang)
- Heirchical merge proposals (wick12hierarchical.pdf)
- Successful merges/second for increased number of query nodes
- This should increase with more query nodes
- If not query-driven is pointless
- ([Merges/Second] and F1-Score) vs Scrub rate
- Find the optimal scrub rate
- [Document Arrival Rate] vs [Merges/Second]
- As the arrival rate increases the merges/second should not decrease
- Constant or increase means the system is able to handle increase
- [Entity Chains Seen] v [# Clusters produced] v [# query nodes]
- Clusters produced should increase with entity chains seen
- Clusters produced should increase with number of query nodes
- [Coref Chains processed] v [Time] v [Query nodes]
- Im not sure
- Use bibtex http://www.iesl.cs.umass.edu/data/bibtex
- Large Scale Real-time visualization using Superconductor [http://superconductor.github.io/superconductor/]