
An example client for an ESGF SLCS Server.

Primary LanguagePython


This project provides an example client application for the ESGF SLCS Server using the Flask library to provide a light-weight web application and the OAuthLib extensions for the Requests library for the OAuth interactions.

NOTE: The following assumes Python 3.

To run the example client, you first need to create an OAuth application via the admin interface on your ESGF SLCS Server (https://<slcs_service_ip>/admin). The callback URL should be http://localhost:5000/oauth_callback. Take a note of the generated client ID and secret.

TODO: more infos about configuring an OAuth application.

Open esgf_slcs_client_example.py and modify the 'settings' to reflect your setup (including the client ID and secret from above). Then run:

$ pyvenv venv
$ venv/bin/pip install flask requests-oauthlib pyopenssl
$ venv/bin/python esgf_slcs_client_example.py

You can also use a conda environment:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ source activate slcs-demo