
Sync to Blackblaze B2 using rclone

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Backup to Backblaze B2 using rclone.

rclonebb was written to facilitate backing up a Truenas Core system to Backblaze B2. The script can run rclone sync, check, or cryptcheck, and email the results to a particular recipient. A summary of the results, and an (optionally compressed) copy of the rclone log, can be emailed to a desired recipient.

This script was inspired by rclonebackup, which works very well if you prefer using a shell script.


  • Create a B2 bucket to sync to.
  • Set up rclone to work with Backblaze B2. Instructions can be found here. Note that if running on a Truenas system, you will want to store the resulting conf file someplace other than the default location. A prototype rclone.conf file is included in this repo.
  • You should encrypt your backups; details can be found here.
  • Optionally, create an rclone exclusion file, following the instructions here. An example exclusion file is included in this repo as well.
  • Although rclonebb configuration-related options may be specified on the command line, it's usually easier to edit the script and change the defaults. See the comments inline for details.
  • Check that your configuration is correct by performing a dry run (rclonebb.py sync --dry-run)
  • If running on a Truenas system, use the Trunas web interface to create a new Cron Job task that performs a sync at the desired intervals. Use Run Now to perform an initial sync.


rclonebb.py sync [options]: Sync the local directory to the remote bucket.

rclonebb.py check [options]: Check that the files in the local directory and remote bucket match.

rclonebb.py cryptcheck [options]: Check that the files in the local directory and encrypted remote bucket match.


  --local-dir LOCAL_DIR
  		        Local directory to be synced.
  --remote-bucket REMOTE_BUCKET
                        Remote bucket to sync to.
  --transfers TRANSFERS
                        Number of simultaneous transfers.
  --exclude-from EXCLUDE_FROM
                        File containing patterns of files or directories to be skipped.
  --email EMAIL         Email address to send the summary.
  --rclone-config RCLONE_CONFIG
                        Path to rclone configuration file.
  --compress-log        Compress the log file before attaching to email.
  --min-age MIN_AGE     Minimum age of files to be synced.
  --log-dir LOG_DIR     Directory to store the log files.
  --max-log-files MAX_LOG_FILES
                        Maximum number of log files to store. Oldest files will be deleted first.
  --dry-run             Perform a dry run. No changes will be made. Only effective in 'sync' mode.
