
Official repository for concrete5 5.7 development

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status

concrete5 Developer Repository

This is the developer repository for Concrete5.


This repository contains Concrete5 version 5.7 and greater. Look for 5.6? You want the concrete5-legacy repository.


  1. Make sure your development environment enables PHP short tags.

  2. Clone this repository.

  3. Use Composer to install the third party dependencies

    If composer is installed globally:

     cd web/concrete
     composer install

    If composer is downloaded as a .phar:

     cd web/concrete
     php /path/to/composer.phar install

    This should install everything necessary into the vendor/ directory in the concrete directory.

  4. Use npm to install grunt to the build directory and install the command line interface

     cd build
     npm install -g grunt-cli
     npm install
  5. Build concrete5 sources with grunt

     cd build
     grunt release