PBA Singapore: Module 1 (encryption) - group assignment 2 (ECB, CBC, CTR)


This repository contains implementations of three block cipher modes of operation: Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), and Counter (CTR). Additionally, we have included utility functions un_pad and un_group. To ensure the correctness of our implementations, we have added unit tests.

Implemented Cipher Modes

  1. Electronic Codebook (ECB)
  2. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
  3. Counter (CTR)

Utility Functions

  • un_pad: Removes padding from the decrypted text.
  • un_group: Utility function used in conjunction with our cipher modes.

Unit Tests

We have implemented unit tests to validate the correctness of our cipher modes. The tests check that for a given plain_text, applying the decryption function to the ciphered text returns the original plain_text. This validation is performed for all three cipher modes (ECB, CBC, CTR).


To run the tests, you can use the following command:

cargo test