Exercism exercises in the D Programming Language
Each exercise is identified by a slug. The slug is all lower-case, and if it is multiple words, it is hyphenated.
E.g. circular-buffer
The following conventions are used when adding a new exercise:
- Name the directory
- Place the tests in
, replacing underscores with hyphens. - Name the example solution
, replacing underscores with hyphens.
$ tree exercises/circular-buffer
├── circular_buffer.d
└── circular_buffer_example.d
0 directories, 2 files
Please see the contributing guide
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 Katrina Owen, _@kytrinyx.com
The D "Digital Mars" logo is owned by Digital Mars, Inc. Digital Mars, Inc. allows anyone to use, modify and redistribute the logo provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed. The original image is part of the D programming language "dlang.org" source repository, released under version 1.0 of the Boost Software License. We have modified the image, changing the colour scheme, to create the D icon for Exercism.