
Chapters List

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  1. Your Worst Nightmare!
  2. What is Linux?
  3. RMS, MIT, GNU & How it all Began
  4. An Open Letter to Hobbyists
  5. The GNU Project Begins
  6. Berkeley Unix - BSD
  7. Building GNU
  8. Free Software & the GNU GPL
  9. Free Software Goes Free Enterprise
  10. Linus Develops Linux
  11. Linux's Relationshio to GNU
  12. Linux Gets a Killer App: Apache
  13. Red Hat Software Founded
  14. Linus Moves to Silicon Valley
  15. The Cathedral & the Bazaar
  16. Free Software and Netscape's Big Gamble
  17. Open Source Gets its Name
  18. The Open Source Definition
  19. You'd Think You Were on Drugs
  20. LUGs and Installfests
  21. Microsoft Uses Linux
  22. Windows Refund Day Protest
  23. Are You a Communist
  24. The Revolution Goes Primetime
  25. The First Linux IPO - Red Hat
  26. Stallman & Linus Share the Stage
  27. Linux Time
  28. VA Linux's IPO
  29. Linus Gets What He Wanted
  30. Stallman's One, Big Hack
  31. The Free Software Song
  32. End Titles