Pinned issues
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Django Celery: Kombu connection refused error
#2249 opened by AnshulRaghav - 0
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Support for Valkey
#2245 opened by Zerotask - 3
- 1
Change default value for Durable flag on Queue creation for pidbox (RabbitMQ deprecated feature transient_nonexcl_queues)
#2237 opened by Osmoskour - 0
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Celery SQS Error
#2227 opened by kev737 - 3
How to retrive the number of messages from queue
#2185 opened by taskevich - 0
- 0
Kombu lacks option to refresh STS token before expiration, causing ExpiredTokenException
#2217 opened by eisichenko - 2
gcpubsub broker isn't working yet - 'str' object has no attribute 'seconds'
#2212 opened by balaji-v4d - 0
hub loops infinite on BRPOP channel after redis connection timed out from redis server side
#2214 opened by maylingge - 0
Feature request: Enable password to be a callable
#2206 opened by rhoban13 - 3
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Redis' when using Celery with Redis
#2088 opened by jamesjohnson1025 - 2
KeyError 'Attributes' in SQS _create_queue
#2142 opened by SebCorbin - 2
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Support Python 3.13
#2051 opened by rominf - 1
Regression in 5.5.0rc1: sqlalchemy create_engine issue
#2157 opened by woutdenolf - 3
Kombu version >= 5.4.0rc seem to break celery control commands from celery with versions <5.4.0rc
#2152 opened by TheCodingLand - 0
Kafka Support need to be added in the document
#2145 opened by HinataHazuki - 3
Race condition Airflow's Celery executor timeout and import redis leave a broken import
#2096 opened by quangvnm - 0
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Kombu 5.4.1 not working with Celery[SQS] 5.4.0
#2113 opened by Hawkline451 - 0
tzdata dependency required for python>=3.9
#2106 opened by woutdenolf - 0
NATS support
#2103 opened by grihabor - 0
Need solution for kombu and amqp traceback
#2102 opened by nethajik15 - 2
TypeError: _unpack_version() takes from 1 to 5 positional arguments but 6 were given
#2092 opened by couzhei - 1
Support Switching broker Url for Operational(Publish only) failures
#1970 opened by dheerajtenepalli - 1
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Nofile error!
#2089 opened by arashm404 - 1
`orjson` as JSON serializer
#2027 opened by Zerotask - 1
5.3.6: sphinx warnings `reference target not found`
#1980 opened by kloczek - 0
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Updating deprecated zrevrangebyscore
#2050 opened by arnehe030 - 3
Bug: Fanout exchange messages mixed across virtual databases in Redis sentinel
#1987 opened by huyenvu2101 - 0
How To Set consumer_tag
#2065 opened by quicksandznzn - 4
Challenging to contribute PRs because standards are either undocumented or hard to find
#2055 opened by jasonwbarnett - 3
Messages from Kafka getting processed twice
#2030 opened by bulnv - 10
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The problem of not waiting as much as default_retry_delay value when retry() is performed within the "task" of "Celery".
#1977 opened by hidbpark - 2
Remove pyrabbit
#2040 opened by murlock - 1
Kombu shouldn't depend on requests
#2037 opened by gopackgo90 - 0
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New tox-docker >= 5.0.0 fails docker depending tests results in connectionRefused errors
#2015 opened by FrankK-1234 - 0 skipped and gives error when enabled
#2001 opened by FrankK-1234 - 0
Revoking "Pending" Celery Task Question
#1981 opened by formlogic-robert - 0
5.3.6: pytest fails in `t/unit/transport/` unit and deprecation warning
#1979 opened by kloczek