
beautiful (readable) testing in Python

Primary LanguagePython

now with 0 calorie syntactic sugar!

Konira - A Python DSL Testing Framework

Konira is a tool that allows you to write minimalistic descriptions for testing scenarios and unit tests.

It is flexible enough to accommodate Behavioral Driven Development as well as traditional Unit Testing.

As a testing tool, it takes testing itself seriously and is tested and verified to work on

  • Python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
  • PyPy 1.5 and 1.6

Konira's own test suite consists of about 200 tests that run in about 0.120s

It provides a test runner, a dsl and you can optionally use py.test to run these tests (using the pytest-konira plugin installed separately).

If you develop with Vim editor, there is also a plugin that will enable syntax highlighting and running tests from within Vim (see: https://github.com/alfredodeza/konira.vim)

What does a test case look like?

describe "a very simple test case for my_module":

    it "has a foo property that is True":
        assert my_module.foo

But this is not valid Python!

I hear you. It is a DSL. All tests need to specify the konira encoding at the top and they can be executed with the included command line tool.

fast and readable action in the terminal

$ konira

a very simple test case for my_module
    It has a foo property that is True

All specs passed in 0.000 secs.

Are you sold yet?

Fork the project and start contributing. Full documentation can be found at http://konira.cafepais.com If you have any ideas or suggestions ping me @alfredodeza

The name

Konira is one of the names of an ancient Inca God. Konira Wirakocha diguised as a traveler in rags. A trickster, a prankster. No one knew who he was, and the people he passed called him names. Yet as he walked, he created. With a word he made the fields and terraced hillsides. Dropping a reed blossom, he made water flow.

This is a DSL, it looks like Python - it mostly is, but it packs simplicity and makes testing look good and easy.