
Create a React Component Sandboxes based on compositions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION



Create a React Component Sandbox based on compositions

Integrate Live documentation on real-world React components.

Reasons to use reactsandbox:

  • Fully Hackable (you can change everthing or create your own style, see available CSS classes).

  • You can use with any Builder (Webpack, Rollup, Browserify, Parcel...). Because reactsanbox is only a HOC.

  • Easy to add on existent component and fast update on documentation, it can be used with PropTypes or Types.

  • Lightweight ~3.6K gzip.



yarn add reactsandbox



import React from 'react'
import withSandbox, { Types } from 'reactsandbox'

// you can import styles or create your own
import 'reactsandbox/styles/default-theme.css'

const Book = ({title, author, year, transparent, renderCover}) =>
  <div className={`book ${(transparent)? 'transparent' : ''}`}>
    <div className='cover'>{renderCover}</div>
    <div className='info'>
      <div className='title'>{title}</div>
      <div className='author'>{author}</div>
      <div className='year'>{year}</div>

// Compose Sandbox for Book Component
const BookSandbox = withSandbox(Book, {
  transparent: Types.Boolean(false, 'Set Book Card as Transparent'),
  title: Types.String('My Book Name', 'Description of Title'),
  author: Types.String('John Doe', 'Description of Author'),
  year: Types.Number(1995, 'Year of Publication'),
  renderCover: Types.ReactElement('<img src="book-cover.jpg"/>', 'Render ReactElement as Cover Book')

export default Book
export BookSandbox // export Component Sandbox either


Note that Type is a custom object, then you can create your own.

Custom Types


Returns Type object from Boolean.

default value: false

Types.Boolean(false, 'prop description') 


Returns Type object from String.

default value: ''

Types.String('prop value', 'prop description') 


Returns Type object from Number.

default value: 0

Types.String(100, 'prop description') 

ReactElement (not stable, experimental)

Returns Type object from ReactElement.

default value: null

Types.ReactElement('<img src="source-to-my-image.png"/>', 'prop description') 

Run the Example: