
A JavaFX implementation of the Chrome dinosaur game. Control a jumping dinosaur to avoid obstacles, with increasing difficulty and score tracking.

Primary LanguageJava


A JavaFX implementation of the popular Chrome Dinosaur game.


dinoGame is a recreation of the classic Chrome Dinosaur game using JavaFX. Players control a dinosaur character, jumping over obstacles like cacti and birds while the game's difficulty increases over time.


  • Dinosaur character with jumping ability
  • Randomly generated obstacles (cacti and birds)
  • Increasing difficulty levels
  • Score tracking
  • Responsive controls

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • JavaFX
  • Object-Oriented Programming principles

Project Structure

  • src/MyGame.java: Main game logic and JavaFX application
  • src/Dino.java: Dinosaur character class
  • src/Cactus.java: Cactus obstacle class
  • src/Bird.java: Bird obstacle class
  • src/GameObject.java: Base class for game objects
  • res/: Directory containing game assets (images)

How to Run

  1. Ensure you have Java and JavaFX installed on your system.
  2. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/dinoGame.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd dinoGame
  1. Compile and run the MyGame.java file:
javac src/*.java java -cp src MyGame


  • Up Arrow: Jump
  • Left Arrow: Move left
  • Right Arrow: Move right

Game Mechanics

  • The game starts with the dinosaur on a platform.
  • Obstacles (cacti and birds) appear randomly from the right side of the screen.
  • The player must jump over obstacles to avoid collision.
  • The game speed and difficulty increase as the player's score goes up.
  • The game ends when the dinosaur collides with an obstacle.

Future Enhancements

  • Add sound effects and background music
  • Implement high score tracking
  • Create power-ups and special abilities
  • Add different themes or skins for the dinosaur and obstacles