
my first react app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Current and 5 Day Weather Conditions App in React

This is a real-time and 5 day weather forecast app that helps you plan for your week. This is my first React SPA! Huzzah!



  • npm
  • node

Build Instructions

  1. npm install to install all node modules specified in the package.json
  2. npm run build to build the react application into the build folder
  3. npm start will serve the application on localhost:3000# weather-react

Next Steps for Features, Additions and Technical Debt

  1. Improve UI, add background image of city based on coords and pulled from Unslpash or other free photo servcie.
  2. Add more days to the forecast and create a carousel to rotate thru the longer forecast.
  3. Add animations and possibly react-tilt to forecastCards/currentCard to create a more interactive experience.
  4. Add buttons and share link to forecastCards/currentCard.
  5. App errors after too many API requests because of limit on free accounts for OpenWeather current and forecast calls.
  6. Add comments to better explain operation of the app.
  7. remove deprecated variants This weather app has some deprecated typography headings from Material-ui. e.g. Display4 will have to become H4.
  8. Edit styles to be more complete and aligned within a customized color palette.
  9. Skeleton loading UI instead on initial load.
  10. Properly cache geoLoacation in localStorage.
  11. Include Highs and Lows on currentCard.
  12. Finish editing paperLG in curretnCard and weather.js to new height size above 140px.
  13. Add return/enter click event to search for new city (just onClick currently).
  14. Remove debug code and handle errors appropriately.
  15. Wind conditions, humidity and more detailed info on currentCard and forecastCard.
  16. More debugging and unit tests required to insure quality of app.
  17. Create more error messages for loading states.
  18. Fix day heading not rendering in Safari (macOS & mobile) on forecastCards.

Thought Process

  1. Make a weather app that can give me the 5 day forecast for the week so I can plan when to bike/walk to work during good weather.
  2. Include real-time weather so I can make a decision to walk/bike instead of taking the car or a ride share to a destination.
  3. Make it easy to search for a city’s current and 5 day weather forecast for travel purposes.
  4. Make it pretty with Material-Ui.
  5. Include empathetic language and tone to connect with the user.

Trade Offs

  1. I choose to use a different icon set than OpenWeather Api and that introduced some difficulties implementing the solution.
  2. Instead of static HTML page with JavaScript, I decided to challenge myself and use React to implement the solution. This decision increased the time required to create the App, but I now feel confident I can learn the coding languages required of me in a short amount of time.