
An Apache Kafka sink connector for Celonis EMS

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Celonis EMS Kafka connector


A Kafka Connect sink connector allowing data stored in Apache Kafka to be uploaded to Celonis Execution Management System (EMS) for process mining and execution automation.

Full Documentation

See the Wiki for full documentation, examples, operational details and other information.


Apache Kafka at least 2.3 version and a Kafka Connect cluster.

Compile, Test and Package

The project uses sbt builds for scala 2.13. Starting with Kafka 2.6 there is one build supporting 2.13

sbt compile
sbt test
sbt assembly

Last command builds the connector artifact as a single jar. The file can be found:

 ├ target
      └ kafka-ems-sink-assembly-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar



  • Download the connector ZIP file. If you're running Kafka version 2.5 or lower, use the 2.12 archive otherwise use the 2.13 one.
  • Extract the ZIP file contents and copy the contents to the desired location. For example, you can create a directory named /share/kafka/plugins then copy the connector plugin contents.
  • Add this to the plugin path in your Connect worker properties file. Kafka Connect finds the plugins using its plugin path. A plugin path is a comma-separated list of directories defined in the Kafka Connect worker's configuration. This might already be set up and therefore there is nothing to do. For example:
  • Start the Kafka Connect workers with that configuration. Connect will discover all connectors defined within those plugins.
  • Repeat these steps for each machine where Connect is running. Each connector must be available on each worker.

MSK Connect

To create the connector follow the steps provided here. The steps involved will require installing a custom connector and for that follow this link and use the connector release jar

Azure Event Hub

If you're running Event Hub, you can leverage Kafka Connect and the EMS Sink plugin to load data into the EMS platform. The instructions to enable Kafka Connect for Event Hub can be found here. Once the installation is done, follow the manual steps to enable the connector before creating an instance of it.

Sample connector configuration

Here is a sample configuration for the connector:

connect.ems.authorization.key="AppKey ***"

The full list of configuration keys can be found in the wiki.

Release Process

The release process of the connector is automated through github actions which will be triggered after creating a new tag.

The process is the following:

git tag -a vx.y.z -m "release description"
git push origin vx.y.z

The release will be automatically generated after the action has finished successfully.

E2e tests

e2e tests runs against a packaged version of the connector. To run them, first run the assembly task, then the e2e tests.

To run the assembly task without tests, the following command alias can be used:

sbt assemblyWithoutTest

Then e2e tests can be run with:

sbt "kafka-ems-connector / E2e / test"

The two tasks above can also be run with a single command:

sbt assemblyAndE2eTest

Locally run a vulnerability scan

  • Make sure you have dependency-check installed
  • Generate the jar for the connector:
sbt> project kafka-ems-connector; clean; generateManifest; project connector; set assembly / test := {}; assembly 
  • Use dependency-check to scan the jar:
dependency-check -s ./connector/target/scala-2.13/kafka-ems-sink-assembly-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Bugs and Feedback

For bugs, questions and discussions please use the GitHub Issues.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.