
A GitHub Action for running Typesense's DocSearch Scraper

MIT LicenseMIT


GitHub release (latest SemVer)

This GitHub Action will run Typesense's DocSearch Scraper on your documentation site. This action works best with sites whose source code is on GitHub, but strictly speaking, it will work on any repository that has a DocSearch config file. What's that, you ask? We'll get to that in a moment.


Running Typesense

Follow these instructions to install and run Typesense. Make note of your hostname(s) and API key(s); you'll need them later. If you use Typesense Cloud, your hostnames and API keys will be provided to you. If you self-host Typesense, your hostname is the public IP address of the server you're hosting Typesense on and your API key is whatever you set for the TYPESENSE_API_KEYparameter when you started Typesense.

Running the Scraper

Creating the DocSearch Config File

First, create a DocSearch config JSON file in the root of your repository. This file can be named anything and placed anywhere, but the action's default settings assume it's named docsearch.config.json and placed at the root of your repository.

The easiest way to go about this is by taking this config file, which Docusaurus once used for its own site, and editing it to point to your site. If you want to tweak it further or write your config file from scratch, you can check out Algolia's documentation for an exhaustive list of configuration options. (Typesense DocSearch is a fork of Algolia DocSearch and uses the same configuration schema.)

Using the Action

First, store your Typesense API key as a secret in your repository. It doesn't matter what you name this secret. (See GitHub's documentation on secrets.)

Then add the following to one of your repository's workflows:

  - name: Checkout Repository
    uses: actions/checkout@v3   # You MUST checkout your repository first!

  - name: Run DocSearch Scraper
    uses: celsiusnarhwal/typesense-scraper@v2
      # The secret containing your Typesense API key. Required.
      api-key: ${{ secrets.TYPESENSE_API_KEY }}
      # The hostname or IP address of your Typesense server. Required.
      host: xxx.a1.typesense.net
      # The port on which your Typesense server is listening. Optional. Default: 8108.
      port: 8108
      # The protocol to use when connecting to your Typesense server. Optional. Default: http.
      protocol: http
      # The path to your DocSearch config file. Optional. Default: docsearch.config.json.
      config: docsearch.config.json

That's all there is to it.


typesense-scraper is released under the MIT License.