Provision Debian with Ansible

Personal Ansible scripts to configure a new Debian based installation to a daily working state

  • Install core apt packages
  • Generate new SSH key and add to GitHub account
  • Install workflow tools, zsh, tmux, neovim, vscode, etc.
  • Install Go, Rust, Node and tooling
  • Clone and configure dotfiles
  • Install and configure Docker, K8s, Terraform, Ollamareadm
  • Install nerd fonts

A fine-grained GitHub access token is used to add the SSH key through the GitHub API. The token is stored in an encrypted file using Ansible Vault. For running the env_secrets.yml playbook, the ansible-vault password must be supplied

  • env_secrets.yml playbook is used to decrypt and save the secrets.yml
  • main.yml runs all the other playbooks


# 1. Update system and install basic requirements
sudo apt update \
	&& sudo apt upgrade -y \
	&& sudo apt install git curl python3 python3-pip python3.11-venv

# 2. Clone Ansible s cripts repo
git clone ~/local/debian-ansible

# 3. Create python venv and add python bins to $PATH
python3 -venv ~/.local/venv
export PATH=~/.local/venv/bin:$PATH

# 4. Install Ansible
pip install ansible

# 5. Decrypt env secrets
ansible-playbook env_secrets.yml --ask-vault-pass
source ~/.zshenv

# 6. Run main playbook
ansible-playbook main.yml --ask-become-pass

# 7. (Optional) Extras
ansible-playbook extra.yml --ask-become-pass --tags vscode

Scan repo for secrets with Gitleaks

docker run -v $(pwd):/path detect --source "/path" -v
