
NIOD is a JS API for DCS World, NIOD-core is the core lib of the NIOD ecosystem. It uses a socket to communicate with a LUA library

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Latest build CircleCI



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NIOD-core is a npm package that lets you connect to DCS World using a socket. Once connected, it offers a variety of functionalities :

  • Events: You can listen to events from DCS World
  • Functions: You can call functions from the DCS Mission Scripting API

This is a pretty low level package, mission makers should probably not use NIOD-core directly but a package that uses NIOD-core to get higher level functionalities. My plan is to make one in the near future.

How does this work ?

A socket is created in the mission scripting environment, NIOD-core connects to it and sends / receives commands discribing events and functions.

The nodejs server stores callbacks linked to a callback id, this id is passed to the lua server which pass it back with the returned data. The dispatcher will then execute the right stored callback.

Here's a basic example

const { initNiod, getGroups, addEventHandler, COALITIONS, EVENTS } = require("niod-core");
initNiod().then(async () => {
  // Log information on all the groups in the blue coalition
  console.log(await getGroups(COALITIONS.BLUE));
  // Log position of new added marks
  addEventHandler(EVENTS.EventMarkAdded, (event) => {
	  console.log("A mark was added at position", event.pos);


Unsanitize the require function

Niod requires DCS to import some functionalities from LUA so it can create a socket and access the OS time API, you'll need to "unsanitize" it. To do so go into your DCS installation folder DCS World\Scripts\MissionScripting.lua and edit these line.

	require = nil
	loadlib = nil


	--require = nil
	loadlib = nil

Mission Editor

Then you need to create a mission that loads the NIOD lua file found in the "script" folder.

And there you go ! You're all set, you can import niod in your project and start the server using

const { initNiod } = require("niod-core");
initNiod().then(() => {
  // your mission code goes here

and start coding !

Typescript support

Niod is written in typescript, so the npm package is shipped with all the type declarations. Which means auto-completion depending on your code editor


You can find the complete docs here

Since there is a lot of documented functions you probably won't need, here are links to:


I'll be writing guides with examples, links will be down below

Special thanks

Thanks to Drex from Dynamic DCS for all the help on sockets, go check his server out