Static website for redadalertas at
- Harp (static site generator)
- Gulp (node.js task runner)
- Surge (free static site hosting)
npm install -g harp gulp surge
Assuming you have NPM (Node Package Manager) on your machine, just run:
sudo npm install
First clone the repository to your working directory
git clone
Move into that directory
cd redadalertas-site
To start a local server with live reload, run:
Once your are done editing it is time to compile and deploy to surge. To get that output simply run the command:
gulp compile
This will generate a /www
folder in your directory where the compile and minified html, css, and JavaScript will be.
To deploy:
From the root of the project repo:
cd _harp
Create the gh-pages
mkdir gh-pages
Clone the project repo into that directory, and change into that directory:
git clone --branch gh-pages --single-branch gh-pages
You now have a ./_harp/gh-pages
directory that is ignored by git. Inside this directory is another git repository of this same project, but ONLY the gh-pages branch.
To build out the html and css, run:
gulp compile
Now that you have generated new HTML, it is time to 'deploy' to GitHub Pages.
From the root of the project repo, change into the gh-pages
cd _harp/gh-pages
Add and commit any changes to the generated documentation:
git add -all
git commit -m "Your commit message here"
And now push the changes to the only remote available, gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages